Day 29- Children

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Parda Narbat was a place shrouded in shadow and darkness, The League of Assassins had been looking for the legendary Fountain of Youth for some time now. With its mysterious powers, they had hoped to gain an advantage over their enemies. So when they finally obtained a sample, they were eager to test it out on their own.

The Justice League got a tip about the League's unauthorized experiment and sent Red Robin, Red Hood, Robin, Ladybug, Kid Flash, Cyborg, Red Arrow, and Beast Boy to Parda Narbat to investigate the matter and put a stop to it. When they arrived, they discovered a laboratory filled with mysterious equipment and strange experiments but fortunately, no bodies were being experimented on.

"Stay vigilant, everyone. We need to put an end to this..." Red Robin's voice carried the weight of determination.

"Follow the plan to the T," He said while glaring at Red Hood and Robin knowing that they don't follow the plan most of the time. The two of them just rolled their eyes at him.

In the midst of their mission, Kid Flash accidentally nudged a bottle, releasing a potent blend of the Fountain of Youth and Lazarus Pit water. As it hit the ground, it transformed into fumes that surrounded the heroes. Chaos ensued as the alarms were triggered. Amid the chaos that followed, the heroes managed to deal with the experiment, apprehended the scientists, and put an end to the threat.

"I can't wait to get home," Ladybug said as she stretched her back.

"Yeah, I'm hungry, I think I can eat a hundred boxes of Pizza," Kid Flash commented.

Cyborg at the side was quiet as almost everyone was talking about what they'd be doing once they got home.

"Hey, something bothering you?" Red Hood asked.

"I don't know something is amiss like I'm forgetting something," Cyborg answered.

"If you forgot it then it's not important," Red Hood nonchalantly commented.


"We'll be left behind if you just stand there frozen," Red Hood then pointed with his thumb as the others started to board their ride home.

They returned to their respective homes, not realizing the unexpected twist awaiting them. With the sunrise came, their physical appearances and mental states had regressed by a decade. In place of the battle-hardened heroes were children with wide eyes and curious minds well except for Damian.

At the Wayne Manor, a ruckus is happening. Damian is spewing obscenities to Richard about wanting to go home to his mother and that he's the heir to the demon's throne, Marinette crying and looking for her parents, and Jason having a mental crisis of being already. The only one who is acting normal is young Tim who is just watching everything unfold but in his head, there are a lot of questions like who are these kids and why there are more pictures on the walls. "What just happened?" Bruce asked.

In front of the Batcomputer, Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth discussed their predicament with the other guardians of the young heroes who went on the same mission. Concern was etched on their faces as they strategized their approach.

"We need to find a solution quickly," Alfred's voice held a note of urgency.

After the call, Bruce turned away from the Batcomputer to see Marinette's tear-stained face as Richard carried her to the Batcave as she slept in his arms. Bruce gave her a head pat and said calmly, "We'll keep them safe but we also need to find a way to reverse this."

"How's the others," he asked Richard.

"Duke is taking care of Damian while Barbara and Steph are giving Jason assurance that he's okay. He's sixteen right now, a year after he died." Richard said a bit sad remembering what happened at that time for them.

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