WHY ME?!?!?

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Three days later


Krystal’s Pov




the past three days I stayed at home because I was to scared to go to school in case they would come after me, but I knew it would be a matter of time before they would find me.




Straight away I started thinking Why would they do this to me? Why me? What did I do to them? I didn't do anything.. All these questions started to shoot through my head so fast that I started to get a sharp pain in my head..




The next day I went to school because my mum found out that I hadn't been going to school....... it was lunch time, I was happy because I hadn't seen Stacy and here so called friends, I started walking around in the park outside of the school grounds then I saw her and her friends they started walking towards me I started getting scared. I didn't know what she wanted from me. I tried to walk away but I couldn't she stared yelling at me. “ Krystal you b*$#h you think its cool to sleep with my boyfriend? NO U F**KING CAN”T.... I hate you, you FU%KING SLUT” tears started to roll down my cheeks, I felt hurt she didn't know the full story, she only knew what people told her, all of a sudden she smiled evilly , she nodded to her group of friends they came to me so fast that I didn't know what to do, in a flash I was knocked to the ground I must have blacked out because when I awoke it was dark. My head was so sore, I held my head for awhile then I looked at my hands there was blood on them “man what happened?” I said to my self. I couldn't see much and my head still hurt , when my eyes adjusted yo my surroundings I looked around, “where am I?” I didn't know what was around me so I couldn't tell where I was. “what time is it?” “it's 10.30pm” I heard an unknown boy say, I jumped back as I heard it. I tried to find him but I couldn't, I started getting scared, “don't worry i'm not going to hurt you, I came to see if your OK” “where are you?” He came out of the dark and into the light “ your Stacy's boyfriend aye?” “i was, my name is Caleb ” he said. I was staring at him for awhile, I had to break the silence that was in the air “why are you here?” I asked “ because I sore you on the ground and came to see if you are ok, are you ok?” “yea im fine” I was lying my head was so sore I swear it was going to fall off. “i will walk you home” Caleb said, I didn't want to take the offer because well he was Stacy’s boyfriend, I mean EX boyfriend but I had to, I couldn't walk alone what if she came back to get me?


“thank you” I said.




We were walking and it was so quite I didn't know what to say.. I was walking with my bullies boyfriend.. well Ex boyfriend now, I wounded why they had broken up so I asked him... “ hey um Caleb why are you and Stacy not going out anymore?”


he never answered me... I didn’t say anything else I didn’t want to push him... because I really didn’t know him and what he could do to me if I made him angry...


just then I heard something I wish I hadn’t...... it was Stacy AGAIN “ trying to get with my boyfriend again b@#$*? “ she said... I couldnt say anything, I was t scared to. Just then I Caleb spoke “ shut up Stacy, get a life you whore” he said, shit I forgot he was there......... but why was he sticking up for me?




Why me?




sorry its been awhile i've been to lazy to update :-/

im sorry it maybe boring but here it is


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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