Chapter 11 - Couch Time

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"I gather you heard the news," Tonks said quietly as she entered the room Remus had claimed as his own. After the term started, Molly Weasley had at least one wish granted. Harry's ability to open Grimmauld Place sealed the inheritance charm Sirius apparently cast upon it. She still wasn't quite sure why Harry chose to bequeath it to the Order of the Phoenix, but he had. He'd done it over her objections as well, not that such an act was anything new. She tried to impress upon him that he would need a home after Hogwarts and this house, while certainly not the height of luxury, was thoroughly adequate for a young couple just starting on their own. Harry, to her displeasure, would hear none of it and with the aid of Albus Dumbledore had commissioned the house as the new permanent headquarters for the Order. Many of the members, especially those with little other means, had chosen to reside there full-time.

Not surprising to anyone, Remus Lupin was the first permanent resident of Grimmauld Place. Equally unsurprising was his choice of bedroom. He had chosen the same room his best friend Sirius Black had made his own. He changed little of the décor, in part as a tribute to the former Marauder, and in part because their tastes were rather similar.

Tonks used the Headquarters quite frequently. While she maintained her teaching post at Hogwarts she had a room there. However, business from the Order often required her to put in long nights at Grimmauld Place and she was much more inclined to stay there on those nights rather than apparating to Hogsmeade and walking the long path to the castle. Aside from that, completely feasible and logical excuse, there was a greater one. Maintaining a room at Grimmauld Place made it much easier to stay close to Remus Lupin.

He looked up from his writing desk and caught her eye. "Are we sure the information is good."

She stretched out on the bed behind the writing desk and replied, "It's highly reliable. It's from our source in the Ministry." Remus stopped writing and turned in his chair to face her.

"From Reilly?" Remus looked at her questioningly.

"The very same." She rolled up onto her side and propped her head on her hand. "If anyone is able to get the inside information on Damien Keres, Reilly is the one. Our information says he found out Harry is still alive approximately two weeks ago."

"Did Reilly have any additional insight on his current whereabouts?" Remus asked.


He returned to his parchment and Tonks surveyed the man before her. She let out a sigh, an all too audible one, and thought she saw his eyes flick back toward her. Remus Lupin might have had some "issues" according to the wizarding world, but none of that made any difference to Tonks.

He's probably more agreeable during his time of the month than I am.

"Well, we are as prepared as we can be. It had to happen sooner or later. Someone like Damien is not going to be in the dark for long." Remus' voice drew her from her thoughts and back to the harsh reality before her.

"No, I suppose not. I just hope we can get everything in order in time."


How many times have I walked these stairs?

Hermione thought back to the inordinate number of times she'd climbed the stairs to the Hogwarts hospital wing. It was hard to escape the fact that she, Harry, and Ron had not managed a single academic year without at least one trip to Madam Pomfrey. On some occasions they'd not managed a single term without a visit. She continued to trudge forward, her feet moving her along while her mind wandered aimlessly. One fact never escaped her attention, in all the times she'd visited the hospital wing it was never for instruction.

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