MTB 17...

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Chris baby can you stop at the supermarket I need to pick up a few things." We were in the car on our way home.


We got to the store and Chris was helping me.

I was trying to reach the paper towels and couldn't. Then he took it down for me.

"Thank you baby." I said putting in the cart.

"Your welcome beautiful." That was not Chris' voice. I looked up to see Ryan, the guy from Applebee's. Chris was no longer beside me.

He chuckled and smiled at me. "So how you been?" He asked looking me up and down licking his lips.

"I'm good, how you?" He was in a black shirt, black trues and gamma 11's on his feet. He was cute. He white with a black boys swag.

"Babe put this in-" Now that's Chris' voice. He was holding a bag of Doritos. He put in the cart and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Wassup man?" Chris said with a head nod. Ryan did the same.

Ryan looked at the both of us. "Well it was nice seeing you again. Take care."

I smiled. "You too." Then he walked off.

"Who was that?" Chris asked.

"Why you jealous?" I asked smiling as we walked to the cashier.

"No, I'm just asking cause he was over here smiling and laughing but you not funny."

I punched him in his arm. "Shut up!"

He laughed. "You mad cause you not funny?"

"Shut up Chris." I pouted and walked off leaving him.

"Don't worry about her she just mad cause she's not funny." He said to one of the workers. She just laughed and walked away.

The cashier scanned our stuff and bagged them. Chris paid for the stuff and I put the bags in the cart and pushed it to the car.

"Can you open the trunk?" I said rolling my eyes he love to play.

"Aww you mad at daddy." He cooed coming behind me and hugging me. Kissing me on my neck and shit.

I tried to hide my smile. "I'm sorry baby." He said continue kissing me.

I turned around and kissed him. He smiled.

He opened the trunk and put the bags in and then we got in the car.

He started up the car and the radio was playing Tuesday.

"We gunna make a quick stop before the house." He said.


"Ty house."

"So drop me home first."

"No, I want my time with you." He pouted. Aww he's so cute.


"Yay!" He said cheesing. I laughed.

We got to Ty house and he opened the door.

I heard Jayda crying.

We walked I saw Jayda standing in the living room.

"What's wrong with her?" Chris asked Ty.

"I don't know but she better shut her ass up." He said sitting down on the couch.

"Jayda what's wrong with you?" Chris asked her.

"I-I-I wet." He picked her and smelt her and scrunched up his face. "Nooo Jayda I shitted!" He said giving her to Ty.
And then took her upstairs.

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