Thor x loki love oneshot

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Loki found himself running, lost in his thoughts replaying the words his father just told him: WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE THOR!!? He screamed. In that instant he tried so much to hold back tears; he closed his eyes so hard he thought they were going to break. But the screaming went on and on... so he ran away from his father and now he was hiding in his room with the door locked trying to suppress back the tears from falling but finding it impossible.

Unaware of his surroundings, he didn't notice the knock on the door.

-Loki? It was Thor, hearing of what had just happened he ran, desperate to find his lover. Just a year ago they found out about Loki's true origins. It was devastating for Loki at first but then everything went at ease when they confessed their feelings for each other. Their first kiss and the first "I love you" set everything right and Thor promised to never let anyone or anything hurt the love of his life. Not even Odin.

...Getting no answer, he heard the whimpers..

-Loki, I'm coming in.

He opened the door to found him in his bed crying openly but trying so hard to suppress the sobs escaping from his body. Thor became speechless and felt his heart tear into a million pieces just from seeing Loki suffering. So he rapidly approach and embraced him in a hug whispering comforting words to him, caressing his hair.

-Everything will be okay, love.

No answer.

-Odin has no right to tell you those things. You know you are the one I care the most. I love you. And I hate to see you suffer, it breaks my heart. Please love look at me.

Loki raised his head to meet Thor's eyes. With tear stains all over his face, He seemed calmer but there were still tears falling from his eyes. Thor proceeded to clean them with his thumb and kissed him in the lips.

Loki fell into the kiss and threw his arms around Thor's neck.

-I know Thor, I'm just.... Sorry.... new tears replacing the old ones. - shhhh my love, it's okay you don't have to apologize for anything, you've done anything wrong. He lifted his head and started kissing his beautiful lips embracing him into a tighter hug.

That stopped the tears. Loki separated an instant from the kiss and said: No matter what I always feel safe around you, you accepted me just as I am, You don't know how much you mean to me as well Thor, I love you too, thanks for everything.

-No problem Loki, I'll be here always.

Then they started kissing again, feeling the love they have for each other.

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