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A/N: I'm back~ >:)
Dude I graduate highschool May 23... It feels unreal if I'm being honest and I still can't decide if I want to major in nursing or mechanical engineering 🥲

'Why does it feel like I've been stuck in this room for five hours now' Sachi groaned internally 'English is officially one of the most boring classes yet, sorry Present Mic" Sachi continued to doodle a robot in her notebook. Due to her parents both having family in America she has been surrounded by english her entire life. She was almost completely fluent in English. Sadly, this class will most likely not hold her attention once this year. Sachi just wanted to skip to Basic Hero training class. She was dying to know what her hero costume looked like.

When she received her request form her mother had taken it right out of her hands. Her mom practically begged her to let her design it. So, Sachi let her. After all, her mother has been a pro hero forever now so she probably knew a whole lot more about hero costumes than her. Although, It's more likely that her mother will confide in Ayame for how she should design her hero suit. Whatever, it was one less thing for her to worry about and do. Finally, the bell rang for lunch. She quickly packed her stuff and rushed to the cafeteria.

Once she got her lunch she walked briskly over to her designated lunch table. She hadn't really made any friends yet so as of yesterday she decided to claim an empty table for herself. Sure it was a little bit lonely but it was kind of nice. She could complete any assignments without any interruptions. And could play papa's bakeria without any distractions.
Wait, is someone sitting at her table?

'why the fuck is this sleep deprived purple guy sitting at my table?!'

'Bitch that's My Table'

Okay guess her table is gone now, are there any other open tables? NOPE.
Okay Sachi, put on a brave face, besides he looks like a chill guy. Maybe she'll finally make a new friend, okay here we go, this won't be so hard, just gotta approach him and make conversation.

Don't. Fuck. Up. Your. Sentence.

"Hey so here sitting was yesterday I'
'Well shit'
Goodbye future friendship
Try numero dos
"Sorry i cant speech"

The purple haired guy smirked and snickered at her "you're fine what were you trying to say"
Great so he doesn't think she's a dumbass "well I was sitting here yesterday and I wanted to sit here again but you were sitting here so I -" "you don't need to explain everything, and I don't own the table so sure you can sit here" She quickly bowed "Oh my god thank you so much!" and then lunch proceeded in silence.

As soon as the bell rang she quickly walked out of the cafeteria to her homeroom class. She would run but she was 40% sure that Ida might be around. At long last, the most exciting part of her day was here. Hero basic training.

You know when she really thought about it, Why would they have Hero basic training right after lunch? It's not exactly convenient. The risk of getting stomach cramps or puking is heightened exponentially. It's just not very ideal you know?

When she walked through her homeroom door she glanced at the rest of her classmates as she walked to her desk. Everyone seemed just as excited as she was. Even Bakugo seemed a bit more fidgety than usual. However, Midoriya had to be the most excited person in the room. He was practically beaming with joy as he erratically rambled on and on about their upcoming class to Ida and Ururaka. Sachi stifled a laugh as she watched Ururaka try to calm him down.

Supposedly, All Might will be teaching this course. Although this seems exciting to the majority of her classmates she couldn't help but be slightly concerned by this. Why would All Might, the number one hero, Slow down to teach a bunch of first year highschool students the basics of heroism when he could be out on the streets stopping whatever crime he comes across? Was it just her who was at least a little bit skeptical about this?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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