Chapter 7

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"Maci, are you good?" April called to her friend.

"Yeah, just slicking on some lip gloss, April!" Maci replied, swiping the pale pink color across her mouth.

She had done a gunmetal Smokey eye, as the shadow had a bit of a blue sparkle to its gray base, which Maci thought would be perfect. Black liner to rim her eyes and mascara, and viola, a complete look. Well, plus the foundation and powder, but that wasn't as fun. Besides, she only spot concealed and powdered where she needed, as she didn't figure a whole bunch of face makeup smudging on sheets wasn't sexy. She knew about the whole morning after eye makeup thing, so she could work with that.

She tucked her lip gloss into her black clutch and slipped into her matching kitten heels. She clocked out to the living room where April sat.

"Ahhh! Omg shut up you look fantastic! Oh that hair! Evan's gonna love it, you smokeshow!"

Maci grinned. "Thanks, April."

As if on cue, a knock was heard, and April went ahead and answered it.

"Maciiiiiii, your boyfriend's hereeee," April singsonged, despite Maci being less than a foot from her.

Maci came around to the front door to see Evan all dressed up too, holding a bouquet of roses.

"Aw, babe! You didn't have to get me flowers! Oh my gosh, roses? Really?! Thank you!" She took them from him to smell, before handing them off to April to put in a vase. With her hands free, she could properly kiss him hello.

She walked up to him, closing the gap and kissing him on the lips. He reciprocated immediately, only to be broken up by April's coughed interruption.

"Ahem, save that for later guys! Get outta here and have fun!"

Maci waved bye, as did Evan, and they both said "thanks" at the same time. They held hands on the walk down to the truck, only splitting apart so they could each really look at each other.

"Wow," Maci breathed, taking in her boyfriend's appearance. His light blue tie complimented his eyes beautifully, and he looked so handsome in his suit. She bit her lip, letting out another breath as he shifted nonchalantly against the side of his truck.

"You look amazing, Evan."

"That's nothing compared to you, Maci. I mean," he swiped a hand over his mouth, appearing to be at a loss for more words. "God, you look incredible."

Maci blushed at his compliment. "Thanks."

She hopped in the truck, and they headed to their first destination (a surprise, Evan said, as was everything about tonight): the drive-in.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even know these still existed! Shut up!" Maci exclaimed, peering out the window at the lit parking lot and big screen ahead. She turned and got a look at the film playing tonight. "And they're playing a Cinderella Story!"

She turned and looked back at Evan, who, she could tell, was fighting a big smile. Yep, she didn't care that she was in her mid 20's, that movie was just too cute, as was Evan for finding it here for her.

"So, does that mean you wanna stay and watch?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Heck yes!" She clapped her hands excitedly, and Evan decided to put the truck in a proper space closer to the screen. He backed in so they could sit on the bed of the truck to watch it. He even brought a blanket for them to sit on.

They sat next to each other, enjoying the movie. Every so often, they'd catch each other's eyes, smiling genuinely.

Maci's head found its way to Evan's shoulder, cuddling up against him. He wrapped his arm around her, and they sat together like that until the credits rolled.

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