Introducing Lydia

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Lydia's POV

"Hi, I'm Lydia. I am 16 years old and I am number two in my class. I also.."

"Just get to it already"

Here's what's going on. I am trying out for cheerleading and I'm really nervous. I tried out last year and Lacy, the head cheerleader, turned me down. She's the meanest, most popular girl at Tree Hill High, and she's probably slept with almost every guy, besides the good ones.

I took my stance. I looked over into the crowd to see my best friend, Carter, cheering me on. The music began playing and I began my cheer. I did a couple flips, some toe touches, and I ended with the splits.

"We'll be in touch." Lacy snarled.

I smiled at her, and she glared back, but I didn't care, I did my routine perfectly.

I walked towards Carter and gave him a huge hug. "If you don't make it, I don't know who will." He laughed and put his arm around me play fully.

Cheer tryouts were during lunch, so Carter and I were starving. "Wanna skip school and get some food?" Carter asked me.

"Carter, you know I can't." I glared at him and pulled him out of the gym.

"Come on, we could go to Starbucks after." He said trying to convince me.

"No." I laughed and pulled two sandwiches out of my lunch box. "Here, I made extras." He took it and walked to his next class.

"Meet here after school!" He yelled as he walked away.

The last bell of the day rang and I hustled to get to our meeting place because Carter hates waiting. When I got there, I happened to see Jamie, my older brother, making out with a high school girl.

"Jamie!" I yelled. He looked at me,whispered something, and the girl ran off. "What the heck?" His eyes got wide.

"Hey little sis, I came to pick you up from school." He said with a pink face.

"I don't need a ride, thanks." I glared at him.

"What, are you gonna walk?"

"No." I said. "Carter's bringing me home."

He laughed. "He has a car?"

"Yes, he does." I said as Carter walked up. "You can leave now."

"Is there a problem?" Carter said to me looking at Jamie.

"No, it's fine, let's go."

I turned away from him just visualizing the face he's making at me in my head. Carter looked at me and then back at him.

"Who was that?" He asked me.

"No one to loose sleep over." I said as I opened the convertible's car door and Carter hopped in the driver's seat.

"C'mon!" He said.

I was about to talk but rain started pouring out of the sky and I had to help Carter put the top down so we wouldn't get drenched.

I looked out the window as we drove to my house, watching the raindrops fall and people scatter.

The car stopped and I was about to get out when he said something. "What's wrong?"

"How do you know something's wrong?"

"Because I know you." Carter said back to me. "Come on, tell me."

"Nothing, it's just my brother is in town and he causes a lot of family drama, and I'm not excited to go in and see what's going on." I vented and I know Carter hates it when I vent but I had to.

"You have a brother?" He was surprised because I never talk about him.

"Yeah, Jamie.. He's 22 and a pain in the butt." I looked at Carter and then back at my house and opened the door.

"You can stay at my house if you want."

"No, I have to deal with this, I'll call you later." I said and got out of the car. I turned and waved and was ready to enter the chaos.

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