Black Veil Brides Imagines.

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Andy Imagine #1:

"*Your Name*?" called Andy.

"Yeah?" you called back.

You could hear him and his gazelle legs running up the steps into the master bedroom. You and Andy had been dating for 4 months and finally decided to move in together. "I was wondering... Do you wanna go out tonight? Maybe go to that fancy Italian restaraunt you like.." he asked. "Yes! I would love to Andy!" you squealed. "Well, get ready. I have reservations at 7!" he said. "Damn it! Its 6:30 now!" you yelled, as you ran into your closet. You grabbed the dress you knew Andy loved and your combat boots and changed as quick as you could. Within 20 minutes, you two were ready and on your way to the restaraunt. When you got there, you were taken to your table. You guys had been eating, when you looked and saw Andy on one knee... You gasp.. "*Your Name* I know we've only been dating for four months, but I love you so much. You mean the world to me. I love you more than I can ever scream.. Will you marry me?" Andy asked. "Andy..umm.. I Love You.. And I want to say yes... but I would rather say... DAMN RIGHT I'LL MARRY YOU!" you yelled. You and Andy lived together until you guys died.

Sorry, wierd imagine I know.. I'm new at this. I'll write a few more when I get the chance, if you guys like this, give me some feedback and I'll make more. I'm not taking requests though. :)

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