Welcome; grey

83 2 11

I wake up Sunday feeling like shit, but hey, I've got guests arriving in a matter of hours and they all need places to sleep. It takes me a moment to realize but my phone is ringing.  I check the time. 12 noon. "Hi Charlie." He's quiet for a moment. "Hi Rose." more silence. "Was there something you wanted to say?" I swallow the lump in my throat, trying to make things less awkward. "Or did you just miss the sound of my voice?" He chuckles almost silently. "Yeah that's pretty much it. I'm just sort of bored." "Oh." Silence. "Well uh, how are you settling in?" I chuckle and think for a second. "Yeah it's weird being back home. I uh," I try to think of something I can talk about, "Oh yeah Tom, Ran, and Toby are headed up today. They're gonna spend the rest of the visit with me." "Oh dang I wish I could be there." "Yeah me too." I say it without thinking about the connotations. He's quiet. Shit. "Well uh, I gotta get ready them to be here sorry." I hang up and collapse back into bed, and the tears start falling. "Fuck." After around 30 minutes of sitting in bed, crying, and feeling bad for myself, I finally get up and start setting up places for my friends to sleep. By the time I finish it's around 1:30 and I get a text from Tom. 



We just got to the station, I'll send you my location so you can come get us.


Righto then

I smile and grab my keys, then I head to my car and go to drive to pick them up.

I arrive at the station and they're all just sitting around. Shit I didn't realize they'd have so much stuff. "Hey guys there's not a chance all your shit's fitting in my tiny ass car." They agree and we decide that I'll bring their stuff and then come and get them.

After I drop all of their stuff off in my apartment I head back to the station to grab them. 

They climb in the car and we all just talk for the few minutes it takes to get to my apartment. 

We arrive and they all rush to the steps, as I told them which unit I am. They rush up the stairs the all gather in front of my door. "It's not locked guys." "Oh you're insane! What if you get robbed!" They push the door open. All of their bags are in a sort of heap near the door, and the rest of the apartment is spotless. "Oh this is so nice!" Tom shouts. "It's not usually this clean." They settle in for a few minutes and then Ranboo comes over to me quietly. "Hey Rose. Are you good?" I sigh. Not this. "Yeah I'm fine man it's just not that big of a-" I get a text from Charlie.



I just got asked on a date


you should go


is that okay?

I don't really even like her

I take a deep breath, trying not to be selfish


It'll get your mind off things

I put my phone down. "Dude what." I look back up to Ranboo, who had been reading the texts over my shoulder. "It's not a big deal. We're not," I clear my throat, "Together anymore, why shouldn't he?" Ranboo scoffs, and Tom and Toby catch on that something importants happening. "Because he's literally in love with you?" I roll my eyes. "What's happening?" Tom asks, and before I get a chance to dismiss the conversation, Ranboo speaks up. "Charlie's going on a date to distract himself." "Or maybe it's because he likes whoever it is." I say, trying to get myself to get over this. "Yeah definitely not. He's mad for you." I scoff, my eyes start to sting. "When he was with me and Toby a few days before he left you were literally all he talked about. It was rather annoying." That was when he started being all distant and shit. I feel a single tear drip down my cheek, and wipe it away as quickly as I can. "We're gonna go explore the city." Ranboo grabs the other two and leaves me alone in the apartment, sensing that I was overwhelmed. I catch up on a few episodes of jrwi riptide, which only makes me feel worse.  By the time they get home from exploring it's 6 pm. "How did the exploring go?" My eyes are red and they sting, and they clearly notice. "We had a great time, maybe tomorrow you show us your favorite spots?" I nod, and step outside onto my balcony for a few minutes of fresh air. My phone starts buzzing. "Hi." "Hey. I just got back from that uh," He pauses, knowing how awkward this was, "That date." I take a deep, shaky breath. "Oh yeah?" My voice breaks a bit, and I'm hoping that he didn't notice. "How was it?" "I think she had a really good time." I sigh, god damn it. "And you-?" "I couldn't stop thinking about you." The words rush out of his mouth, and make me smile just a little. "Definitely not going on any more dates for a while." "Good to know." It's quiet for a moment. "So are the across the pond nerds there yet?" I hum an affirmative response. "Let them know I said hi. I really miss them already." I smile. "Will do. Have a nice night Charlie." "Lo- Uh- Bye Rose." He hangs up. Fuck. Why does it have to be like this. 

After a few minutes of sitting out on the balcony, feeling sad of course, i head back inside to see that they've all gotten comfortable my bed and are looking for something to watch. "Seriously guys?" I laugh. "I knew we should've locked the balcony door!" "Tom what is it with you and locking people out of their own rooms?" "It's funnyyyy!" I laugh. It was definitely a good idea to let them stay. Otherwise I think i'd just be sinking in my own self pity. No clue what I'll do when they leave.

LOVE U GUYS! ONCE THE ACROSS THE POND PEOPLE LEAVE WE'RE GONNA GET A LITTLE EXTRA ANGSTY. Have a good day my lovelies! (Word count: 1032!!!!<333333)

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