•the very first night•

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narrator pov:

Nic and Gellius first met almost a year ago. Nic got sent to his Uncle's house away from Athens when a highly deadly, contagious plague had started and only kept getting worse. Gellius just so happened to be the sailor of that ship. Nic and Gellius were lying under the stars talking away on the first (and what happened to be, last) night of their journey. Gellius had told Nic about his dreams of winning the Olive Wreath for Athens as a Pankratiast at the Olympics and had told Nic that he would come get him and bring him to watch him win exactly a year from that night.

Later that night pirates attacked Gellius's ship. They killed many, slashed a knife through Gellius's hand and stomach, and done harm to Nic to. They took Nic and sold him into slavery where he was forced into a life he hated very much.

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