Chapter 04

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Her eyes watered. The object she dropped talked, "Audrey? Hello?", And I just stared at it blankly. So she was not talking to herself but the weird small object. She picked it up after gathering herself, "J-Jane's awake", she told the object and put it away.

She walked slowly towards me as she was still in shock and tears were starting to surface in her eyes. So far all I knew was she knows me. And I didn't force my brain to remember her because I obviously don't know her.

And who's Jane? That can't be me.

She only just came to her senses and full realization I was awake when she rushed out the room.

What was that?

"Doctor!", She called out from outside the room. I just zoned out as she walked toward me again to hold me.

Where am I?
Who is she?
Why am I here?
What's going on?

"Jane. Jane. I know you can hear me. Jane!", she tried to shake me back to reality. My eyes teared up and tears fell down my face. Estella.

Where's Estella? Where's mother?

"Huh?", I let out as I zoned back in and I realized I could talk.

"It's me, Audrey"

"Audrey. I-I d-don't know an A-Audrey", I stuttered, "Who is Audrey?!", I cried out and all she did was sit there beside me dumbfounded and a tear fell out from her eye.

Two people came in and I knew one of them was the doctor because of the badge he had on his coat. Audrey moved away for the doctor to examine me. He checked me including my eyes with some torch.

"Alright. She just gained consciousness and might be a bit clueless about what's going on for a while. But you can talk to her a little to help her remember and keep her company", she was notified by the doctor and the doctor took something down. He helped me sit up straight before leaving the room.


"Where's mother?"

"Mother. Mother?"

"Yes, where is she? Is she okay now? I want to see her", I said blankly.

"You'll see her another time, okay?", She held my shoulder.

"But I want to see her now!", I retorted, "Why can't I see her now?"

I'm confused, it's making my head hurt.

Right then, a tall man's figure came in through the doors and held the door frame to catch his breath. He looked like he ran here. It was only when his eyes met mine when he gained his composure and walked to me with the same face everyone had on today since I woke up from sleeping. Shock, but happy and relieved.

He seemed to know me and the lady beside me. He held my hand and I looked at his hands overlap mine on my laps, "Janie", he barely got out as his eyes watered too.

My hand under his twitched before I slowly got it out of his hold.
"Stop saying I'm Jane or Janie", it was slowly upsetting me now, "Who...? Are you?"

Seriously, who are these people? Where are the people I know?

"Babe", the lady beside me said to the man. She waved him over as she got up and I just looked at the two move away from me to talk in private across the room. I tried to listen in, but they were whispering too low for me to hear.

"Can at least one of you tell me what is it that is going on?", I finally said when I had calmed down, but a storm brewing in my head. They turned around at the same time and the looked at each other for a moment before walking towards me.
The lady sighed before speaking, "We're sorry for not introducing ourselves earlier. And-", she let out a breath again, "And for not introducing who you are", she finally got out, "I'm Audrey. Audrey Claire. I'm like your sister"

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