chapter 2

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Narrator POV
Ruby was wandering with her companions and looking for clues and shit in the studio to see if they can find more and more useful items that can use to survive this nightmare they find themselves in and they try and see what they can do.

Ruby; ok this is really fucking scary.

Then suddenly a guy with a projector for a head shows up and they go into a hiding spot till he gets his ass out.

Ruby; that is one ugly fucker

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Ruby; that is one ugly fucker

Ruby then told her companions to wait in the safe room until she got back to the safe room and also she was armed with nothing but a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire and Ruby was walking around trying to keep up with what's going on around her and then she saw some lost ones and was trying to sneak pass them like a bargain bin ninja. And then Ruby sees a medic kit which could be mega useful at some point during this moment and then she sees lights flickering and then she sees it was the projectionist and she was running cause he was chasing her down and she didnt want to be attacked by this freak.

As soon as she could she found a miracle station to hide from the projectionist and thank fuck sakes for Ruby the projectionist is blind so he was gone and when the flickering light was gone she got out of her hiding spot and then she snuck up on a searcher and absorbed it and she felt healed up and then she went to go and find what else she can do to survive this nightmare and then she found herself on a floor filled with Alice Angel stuff and it was a bit nerve racking even for this place then she heard some creepy ass music began to play over the PA system and it was scary.

Then suddenly the creepiest jump scare ever happened to her.

Then the creepy melted faced woman was gone from sight and then Ruby was hearing her racing just like a rocket and then eventually she caught her breath.

Ruby then got out of the area and found herself in a toy factory of sorts called heavenly toys and for a rundown area it looks great.

Ruby then spotted a man walking by it was none other than Sammy Lawrence the creepiest guy shes ever seen in a damn mask.

Ruby; Sammy that son of a bitch i am gonna beat his ass but not now i am not yet ready.

Then Ruby went to a elevator and she stepped inside of it and saw that she was going to a floor that has that melted faced woman she encountered from before.

She approached the woman weapon in hand and was in like a fighting stance and the woman began to speak.

Alice angel; now we come to the question do i kill u do i tear you apart?

After she was done talking Ruby then attacked her and smacked her gross face with the bat she had in hand. And it shocked Alice angel and then they got into a fight and this fight this fight they were punching and kicking and attacking each other with intent to kill each other and then Ruby yanked out some of Alice angel's hair and this really pissed of the evil angel.


Ruby then had her eyes widen and ran and ran as fast as she could Alice was armed with a tommy gun and it was loaded and she was laughing like a maniac.  

Ruby was running running and running and not looking back and then eventually she made it to the safe house and entered it and see her group was looking at her with concern on their faces and bloody hell it was a blessing she made it to them in one piece and Allison was looking at ruby with a wtf face.

Allison; that was very foolish Ruby you almost died

Ruby; i am sorry i am so sorry i didnt mean to do this.

Allison; from now on you whenever we go out there do u understand?

Ruby; sigh yes Allison I understand.

The group then collected themselves at the hideout and then they slept and waited till tomorrow for them to head out there and explore the shit heap. 

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