Chapter one

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One the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989 43 women around the world give birth . This was unusual only in the fact that of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. He Got EIGHT OF THEM. Two of the eight children were in fact twins that being five and Faye, they were inseparable until five disappearance, leaving her home all alone , preventing herself from aging, so should always look like a child to everybody. Reginald Hargreaves didn't understand how she had done this, and he had no idea how to do it. When five disappeared a couple years after the brother Ben was killed on a mission shortly after this, the rest of the family slowly started to branch off to do the own things for Allison, she became super famous, for Diego tried becoming a police officer but failed, Klaus was in and out of rehabs for his drug addiction.Faye and Luther were left in the house bought Faye stop going on missions are mainly stayed up in her room or in five's room, waiting for him to return back to her. Luther what is the weather on missions for the father he ended up going on one mission which ended up in a disaster and he was then shipped off to the moon.

Hi my name is Faye Hargreaves, I'm a twin to my brother five. The are some thing you need to now about me I was born 2 minutes after my brother, my family best friend is five but then he left I tried to my brother Klaus and then I had no one else. I spent all my time by myself when everybody else had left, I just sat and read book all day pogo and mum did come and check on me and brought me my food which leads me to my second client. I am gluten-free so all my food are specially made from Mum and I don't see dad at all pogo tell me he work in his office. That leads me to my final point, my dad had pass a way last night so now I just sat waiting for my siblings to come home it will did the first time I see them all in 17 years.

Faye was sat on the steps facing the front door to see which sibling was coming home first, the was some many emotions going through her body and her mind. The first person to come was Diego, he was happy to see her after all this time he give her a hug and then to find mum next to come home was Luther he was a lot big then what she remembered, when he had seen her sat waiting he smiled at her when to dad's bedroom. klaus was the next person to come home Faye was so happy to see him that she run up to him so he can catch her and spin her around that he wandered off somewhere around the house, ,Allison was next to come home when she saw Faye sat there she sat with her for a bit just in silence before she went looking around the house to see how else had to come home. The last person to come home was Vanya Faye was happy to see but she also was slightly mad at Vanya for what she had wrote in the book about her life. Faye was was really over the moon that she had her siblings home, but she was also really sad because  five and Ben were not with them. Faye which Vanya walk to the living room when Mum. Vanya says " Hey, mum. Mum?"was sat Alison come walking down the stairs and see Vanya . Allison works over to Vanya and gives her a hug. Alison says " Vanya, you're actually here."
Vanya replied " Hey Allison." Allison says " Hey sis." Then Diego come walking past them, and says " Ah. What is she doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did." Allison says " you're seriously gonna do this today? way address for the occasion by the way." Diego replies " at least I'm wearing black." Faye says " and she is not a name, so don't be rude." Diego did not reply to Faye he just walked away. Vanya replied " you know what? I — maybe he's right and I shouldn't—"Allison says " Forget about him. I'm glad you're here." Faye says " Vanya you know how arrogant he is , and criticising person Diego is and I happy you come home. I miss all of you."
Vanya go into the living room to the book shelf to see her book was still sat on the shelf, Faye come walking up behind her to see her sad face look at the book just before Faye called, say anything, she heard pogo coming through the door. Pogo says " welcome home, Ms. Vanya."Vanya replied " pogo." Pogo says " it so good to see you. Ah, yes, your autobiography." Vanya replied " Do you know, um... did he ever read it?" Pogo says " hmmm.. not that I'm aware of." Faye says " I read your book and I don't blame you for what you did." Vanya replied " Thank you Faye. How long has it been since Five disappeared?" Pogo says " it's been 16 years, four months and 14 days. Your father insisted I kept track." Vanya replied " you wanna know something stupid? I always used to leave the lights on for him.I was scared that he would come back, it would be late and the house would be dark and he wouldn't be able find us, so he'd leave, every night I'd make a little snack and make sure all the lights were on." Pogo says " oh, I remember your snacks. I'm pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallows sandwiches. Your father always believed that number five was still out there somewhere.he never lost hope." Vanya replied " And look where that got him."
Faye says " I like to think he was try to get back to us. Sometimes I stay in his room just so I never forget my twin." Vanya give Faye a hug to try and make her feel better, Faye read Vanya maid. Vanya's maid ( I feel so bad for her how did I leave her all alone with no one to talk to) Faye smiled to her self. Everyone met up in the living room for a family meeting, Klaus and Allison both had alcohol, at first everyone was just sat in silence. Luther says " um... I guess we should get is started. So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at dad's favourite spot." Allison replied " Dad had a favourite spot?" Luther says " you know, under the oak tree. We used to sit there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Klaus replied " Will they be refreshments?Tea? Scones? Cumcmber sandwiches are always a winner." Luther says " what? No, put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Allison says " Is that my skirt?" Klaus replied " What? Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know but it's very breathey on the bits." Luther says " Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" Diego replied " like what?" Luther says " like the way he died." Diego replies " And here we go." Vanya says " I don't understand. I thought that said it was a heart attack." Luther replied " Yeah, according to the coroner." Vanya says " well, wouldn't they know?" Luther replied " Theoretically." Allison says " Theoretically?" Luther replied " I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened. The last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange." Klaus says " oh, quelle surprise!" Allison says " strange how?" Luther replied " He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust." Diego says " Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles." Luther replied " No. he must have know something was going to happen. Look, I know you don't like to do it , but I need to talk to dad." Klaus says " I can't just call dad in the afterlife and be like, dad, could you just... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?" Luther replied " since when, That's your thing." Klaus says " I'm not int the right... frame of mind." Allison replied " you're high?" Klaus says " yeah! Yeah! I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?" Faye was getting really fed up with everyone as she already knew were Luther was going with this, she really just wanted everyone to shut up at this point. Luther says " well, sober up, this is important.Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." Diego replies " who gives a shit about the stupid monocle?" Luther says "'s whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge." Klaus says " where are you going with this?" Diego replies " oh, isn't it obvious, klaus? He thinks one of us killed dad?" Klaus says " you do?" Vanya says " How could you think that?" Diego says " Great job, Luther. Way to lead." Luther replied " That's not what I'm saying." Klaus says " You're crazy man. You're crazy." Faye says " Well that was fun don't you think." No one answered Faye but she was not bothered. She just got up and left the room as she had remembered how frustrating it was having all the siblings under one roof again, everyone went their separate ways, Faye was walking past five room when she remembered the first time they went on a mission at a local bank. Flashback:
Allison runs over to one of the armed men and says "I heard a rumour that you shot your friend in the foot" Luther comes jumping in from the ceiling and then smashes and man's head on the counter throws and man through shortly after Diego comes running in and says "guns are for sissy's real men throw knifes." Shortly after Faye came in throwing water at the robbers looks to the bank safe door and could read about three minds. Faye says " looks like there's three more people in the vault." One of the robbers look at them all and says "get back you freaks" Diego replies "hey be careful buddy." The robber "get back now"
Allison says "yeah wouldn't want you to fall" five teleports behind the robber on the counter and says "or what?" The man start s shooting the gun, but five teleports behind him says "ohh! That's one badass stapler!" Then hits the guy in the head with the stapler and he then falls Ben says "do we really have to do this?" Luther "come in Ben there more guys in the vault. Ben sigh "I didn't sign up for." Faye goes inside bens head and tells him (everything will be okay. As soon as the job is done. We get to go home and have free time) all the hostages run out the door if the bank ben says "can we go home now" they all then meets their dad outside the bank to speak to the press Reginald says "our world is changing has changed there are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary I have adopted 7 such children I gave you the inaugural class of the umbrella academy" reporters say " Mr Hargreaves! Mr Hargreaves. Channel 9 news. What happened to the parents?" Reginald says "there were suitably compensated." Reporter two says " are you concerned about the welfare of the children?" Reginald says "of course as I am for the fate of the world." End of flashback :Faye then shuts five's door then when to her own room where she sat on her bed, looking through some old photos of her and her siblings, when they were younger, which she did more often, and know that she spent most of the time on her own in the house. Everyone in the house heard I think we're alone now now playing from Luthers's room throughout the house, everybody started dancing in there rooms or were they were stood. When all of a sudden there's a massive explosion on blue light coming from the courtyard. Everybody runs to the Courtyard. Diego says " oh." And sees a portal with a person coming through it." Vanya says "what's is it?"
Allison "don't get to close!" Diego "yeah no shit"
Luther says " looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. either that or a miniature black hole one of the two." Diego replies " pretty big difference there Paul Bunyan." Klaus comes running out with a fire extinguisher, shouting "out the way!" Luther says " what are you—."
Allison "what is that gonna do?" Klaus says " I don't know you do you have a better idea" Luther says "woah,woah woah everyone get behind me" Diego says " yeah, get behind us." Klaus replies " I vote for running c'mon!" Faye says " this is impossible, I can hear five's thought." no one responded to Faye as they're all concentrating on the big ball of light and the man falling through the light on the floor, landed number five. Faye says "how is this even possible?" Klaus says " does anyone else see little number five or is that just me?" Five says " shit." Everybody, then walks into the house to the kitchen with five stars to make his favourite snack, a peanut butter, a marshmallow sandwich. Five says "what's the date the exact date" Vanya replies "the 24th"
Five says "of what's?" Vanya replies "March"
Five says "good" Luther replies "so are we gonna talk about what just happend it's been 17 years"
Five "it's been a lot longer then that" five teleports to the cupboard. Luther says "I haven't missed that" Diego says "where did you go?"
Five' says " the future, it's shit ,by the way." Klaus replies " called it" five says "I should have listened to the old man jumping through space is one thing but jumping through time is a toss of the dice" he then look at klaus and says "nice dress" Faye says " actually five it is a skirt and its very breezy on his bits." Five says " nice to see you too sis." Faye face smiles says to five in his head ( good to see you too bro. I Missed you like crazy.) klaus replies "oh,well danke!" Vanya says "wait,how how did you get back?" Five replies "in the end,I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum sate version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time" Diego replies " that makes no sense." Five says " well,it's would if you were smarter." Faye says " that does make sense.Diego sit your ass back down." Luther says "how long was you there?" Five replies "forty-five years.give or take" Luther replies "so what are you saying? That you're 58?" Five says "no,my consciousness is 58 apparently my body is now 13 again" Vanya "wait how does that even work?"
Five "Delores kept saying the equations were off,eh,bet she's laughing now" Vanya says "Delores?" Five says "guess I missed the funeral"
Luther replies "how did you know about that"
Five replies "what part of the future do you not understand? Heart failure, huh? Diego says yeah." Luther says "no." Five "nice to see nothings changed." Faye says " tell me about it. You're all very loud thinkers to." Allison says "that's it that's all you have to say" five replies "what's else is there to says it's the circle of life"
Klaus replied " what you can hear my thoughts." Vanya says " really Klaus, you forgot that." Allison replied " how do you think she knew what we were all doing before we did it." Klaus says " can't blame. It has been awhile since I've had someone's in my head doing all the voodoo stuff." Faye replies " since when was telepathy known as voodoo stuff Klaus." Klaus replies " since I I just thought of it." Faye just nods  her head and leaves  the kitchen to go and find five. Before they was all dragged back to the courtyard for the ashes scattering, Faye goes to Five' s room to see him looking through his wardrobe, and all he sees it is uniform. When they were kids she smiles to herself. Faye says " Five, I know  you're here for a reason what is that reason?" Five replies " what do you mean?." Faye says " really five I can read your mind. I know everything that you didn't tell the others so why can't you tell me." Five replies " there is a reason I came back I saw the end of the world and I've come back to try and stop it and I need help." Faye says " you know I will help you till the day I die. And I can't believe you said you needed help first time for everything." They both laugh out loud, give each other a hug and Faye leaves his room, so he can get changed and goes to her room to tidy up all the pictures and put them away. Everybody that meets in the courtyard with umbrellas as it has started to rain. Mum says "did something happen" Allison says "dad died remember?"mum replied "oh,yes,of course" Allison looks at Diego and says "is mum okay?" Diego "yeah,yeah she's fine rest you know,recharge"
Pogo says " whenever your ready dear boy." Luther scatter the ashes across the courtyard, but instead, it just falls into a massive clump on the floor. Luther says " probably would have been better with some wind." Pogo replies " does anyone wish to speak? Very well. In all regards, sir Reginald Hargreaves made me what I am today. So that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a completed legacy— Diego says "he was a monster he was a bad person and the worse a father the world better off without him" Allison says "Diego" Diego replies "no my name is number two. You know why because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names he had mum do it." Mum says " would anyone like anything to eat?." Vanya replies " no mum, it ok." Mum says " oh okay." Diego says " look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Luther replied " you should stop talking now." Diego says " you know, you of all people should be on my side here, number one." Luther replied " I am warning you." Diego says " after everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away" Luther "Diego,stop talking" Diego "that's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego pushes Luther, too far, which then leads to Lisa and Diego, for getting into a fight with the following punches each other. Pogo says " boys, stop this at once!" They refused to listen to pogo, and carried on the fighting. Klaus pushes five and Faye out of the way so they wouldn't get punched, five pushes close hand away. Diego says " come on big boy." Vanya says " Stop it!" Klaus says " Hit him! Hit him!" Pogo shakes his head and walks off inside as he cannot stand to see the children fighting. Diego says " get off me!" Five says " we don't have time for this. Faye come on."
He grabs Faye's  hands and starts walking off back inside, as they could  not be bothered with the childish behaviour. Faye decides to go inside Luther's head because she gets a strong urge that something is wrong in  Luther's head ( hey are you ok) Faye's head ( yes Faye I'm ok don't worry to much). Flashback 17 years ago: Vanya blows, a whistle are the other six children start racing up the stairs to see who can reach the top first, Luther and Diego we're both in front at times Allison, Klaus, and five not far behind, Faye what is behind them all as she wasn't really bothered about reaching the top of the stairs first. Five decided to use his powers to get ahead of his siblings. Diego says " that's not fair five's is cheating!" Reginald replies " he adapted." After the training Reginald had organise a tattoo artist to come into the house to give them all umbrella tattoos everybody got one, except from Vanya. Klaus was hugging Allison, Diego was sat in the tattoo chair while five,ben Luther and Faye we are sat in chair is waiting for the turn. End of flashback: Faye was watching five search the house for a decent cup of coffee." Allison says " where's Vanya." Klaus replies " oh, she's gone." Five says " that's unfortunate." Allison replied " yeah." Five says " an entire square block. 42 bathrooms, 19 bedrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee." Allison replied " dad hated caffeine." Klaus says " well, he hated children too, and he had plenty of us." Five says " I'm taking the car. Faye you come." Klaus replied " where are you going?" Five says " to get a decent cup of coffee." Allison replied " Do you even know how to drive?" Five says "I know how to do everything." Five teleports out the room and Faye runs out the door and runs to five who is sat in the cars and they drive off to Griddy's doughnuts they parked the car and walked inside they both sit down and five rings the bell so so I can come and take the order When a tow truck driver comes walking in. Agnes says "sorry the sink was clogged so what will it" syd says "uh give me a chocolate eclair" Agnes says "Mm-hmm sure can I get the kids a glass of milk or something" five replies "the kid wants have coffee black" Faye "Water please" Agnes "cute kids okay" five "I don't remember this place being shut as shithole I used to come here as a kids used to sneak out with my brothers and sister and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times , huh?" Faye says " we'd order every doughnut we could get our  hands-on, it's a shame now I can't eat them." Five replies " since when can you not eat doughnuts?" Faye says " since Dad diagnosed me gluten-free about six months ago, when I kept becoming ill from eating mum cookies all the time." Five replies " oh right,I'll have to remember that." Syd "i suppose" Agnes then comes back hand then there orders syd says "I god theirs."five "thanks, you must know you way around the city." syd replies "I hope so I have been doing it for 20 years." five "good I need an address." Syd gives five the address and then leaves the doughnut shop goes back to his truck and drives off just then some man with guns and , breaking into the doughnut shop, five see the reflections through the bell on the counter looks at Faye. Five says "that's was fast i though I had more time before they found me." Guys 1 replies "ok lest all be professional about this yeah? On your feet and come with us we just wanna talk." Five says "I've got nothing to say."
Guy 1 replies "it doesn't have to go this way I don't wanna shoot a kids you really think I wanna go home with that's on my conscience?" Five says "well, I wouldn't worry about that you wont be going home." five grabs a knife and stabs one of the guys in the back. The restaurant all opened fire on him say then froze water at the weather meant to distract them to give five time to kill them. Five starts blinking around the doughnut shop five, then starts to use anything he can get his hands on to kill all the man whatsoever all dead he goes over to one of the men and snaps there neck. five, cuts his arm open takes out. a small tracker and throws it on the floor outside the doughnut shop.

Five and Faye show up to Vanya's flat were that sat waiting for her to come home, Vanya opens the door and turns the light on and get startled other side of five and Faye sat there. Vanya says " Jesus!" Five replies " you should have locks on your windows." Vanya says " I live on the second floor." Five replies " Rapists can climb." Vanya says " you are so weird." Faye says " your telling  me." Vanya says " I know is that blood?" Five replies " I'm not that bad Faye, It's nothing." Vanya says " why are you here?" Five replies " I've decided you're the only second person I can trust." Vanya says " why me?" Five replies " because you're ordinary, because you'll listen." Vanya says " okay." Five replies " when I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" Vanya says " no, Faye let me look at your cut on your face." Five replies " Nothing. Absolutely nothing, as far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but ... I did find something else, the date it happens. The world in eight days. and I have no idea on how to stop it." Vanya says " i'll put on a pot of coffee." Faye starts to get very tired and drowsy from the day, so she decides to fall asleep on Vanya's couch, so five gets a blanket and covers her up as  Faye curled up in a ball a fast asleep.

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