Shadow Bonnie's and Shadow Freddy's existence is questionable because they have never truly been seen in the first 2 games. If you'd played the first 2 games you would understand my point. All you merely see is the main characters in the shadows. So do I believe these characters exist? Unfortunately no I do not.
I think they are merely figures of the night gaurd's imagination. Seeing as there's no evidence of their existence I do not believe they exist, but if they do exist I haven't seen them so if you have well jolly good for you. I will run away screaming Oh, McJagger .
The True Five Night's at Freddy's Story
القصة القصيرةThis is a book that will explain the truth behind the Five Nights at Freddy's game. This book will contains many opinoins. This book will explain what happened to the first animatronics and as well as the ones from the second game. I will shed some...