Chapter 10.

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Now at the station, the guys had their mugshots taken and were now locked together while they waited on a bench outside the interrogation rooms.

Brooklyn was standing next to the pay phone while Phil put in a few quarters and began dialling Tracy's phone number. She wasn't handcuffed to anything, obviously because she was a Police Sergeant.

She felt bad there wasn't much she could do for them as a group of school kids on a field trip passed by.

"After we take the mugshots, we bring them on down here where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers," An officer giving a tour of the precinct said to them, the kids 'ooh'ing and 'ahh'ing as they looked at the three. "Trust me, kids, you do not want to be sitting on these benches. We call this place 'Loserville'."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes at the name as the kids laughed and continued their field trip. A young blonde boy decided to take a photo of Alan, who was sitting and looking at him in discontent before kicking the phone out of the kid's hand, who then gave Alan a look that said 'what the fuck did you just do?'.

"Hey, Tracy, it's Phil!" Phil then said with false excitement as the phone connected, quickly coming up with anything to say. "We are at the spa at the hotel," He lied to the bride. "Of course he's around. Why wouldn't he be around?"

Panicking, Phil quickly came up with an excuse when Tracy asked why Phil was calling her and not Doug. "Um...we made a deal. Uh, no talking to girlfriends or fiancé's. So, we're just all calling each others," He said with a light chuckle, glancing at Brooklyn who gave him a strange look.

"Uh, you are not gonna believe this: we got comped an extra night at the hotel!" Phil continued, more fake excitement to keep Tracy from suspecting anything. "Yeah, the suite is—it's ridiculous. It's out of control. There's, like, room service, and a butler—I mean, just the works. So, we're thinking of spending the night here and then we're gonna come back totally relaxed in the morning."

A moment of silence passed before Phil spoke up again. "Yeah, that's why we're gonna get up really early, and we'll be back in plenty of time."

"Wenneck, Price, Garner, Room 3," a cop called out, making Phil need to end the conversation.

"Okay, Trace, I gotta go. We'll talk to you later," Phil said as he hung up the phone.

"Come on! Chop-chop!" The cop called out again as Alan and Stu stood from the bench, the only problem was their handcuffs were all tangled.

"Spin around," Stu said to Alan, but Alan went the wrong way Stu wanted him to go, the cuffs now tighter around their wrists.

Sighing in annoyance, Brooklyn took the keys for her own handcuffs out of her pocket, unlocked the cuffs, fixed the knot the guys were in then clicked Alan and Phil back together.

"Come on," She sighed, walking ahead of Phil and Stu into the requested room.

Once in the room, Officer Garden removed the handcuffs and had the guys sit across the table from her, Brooklyn standing off to the side next to Stu with her arms crossed.

It felt very familiar standing in an interrogation room.

The mirror on the side wall which Brooklyn knew was a two way sheet of glass that she usually stood on the opposite side of when a perpetrator was brought in for questioning.

The table with a curved bar sticking up in the middle to handcuff the perps to the table so they couldn't flee.

And a metal door with the lock the opposite way and fencing covering the small window so the glass can't be broken to unlock the door from the outside.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now