Chapter 17.

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Every professional instinct of Brooklyn's career as a Sergeant was screaming at her to arrest Phil for speeding, but she didn't care about what her profession was at the moment.

She wasn't a Sergeant in the moment.

She was a regular woman.

Who just kissed her best friend...she would most definitely be having a talk with Phil when they were alone.

"At least the trip wasn't a total disaster," Doug said, his sun hat and sunglasses remaining on his face.

"What makes you say that?" Alan asked.

"When I woke up on the roof, I happened to find $80,000 worth of Bellagio chips in my pockets," Doug answered, to which the other 4 immediately began shouting and hollering excitedly, definitely happy that they were going out of Vegas $80,000 richer than when they went in. "Looks like we're going home with some money!"

Continuing to holler and whoop excitedly, Brooklyn realized she had a very big problem.

She didn't have a dress.

"Fuck! I don't have a dress to wear!" She shouted, causing the celebration of winning a lot of money to stop.

"What about the one Jade let you keep? The green one?" Stu asked, immediately reminding Brooklyn about the green dress as she began looking through her purse—that was damn near like Mary Poppins purse—for said dress.

And thankfully finding it underneath everything. "Oh thank god!" She sighed in relief, clutching the green silk close to her chest before turning to Doug. "Is this ok to wear to your wedding?" She asked her brother. To which he chuckled.

"I'm sure whatever you wear is fine, just can't look better than Tracy. Some kind of wedding rule," He answered, wrapping an arm around Brooklyn's shoulders, then realizing his sister had a tattoo on her neck. "When the hell did you get that?" He asked.

"Who the fuck knows," Brooklyn chuckled, leaning her head back on Doug's shoulder. "But I actually like it so it's staying."

About 20 minutes of driving and swerving back and forth through traffic later, a large white van labeled 'The Tux Shop' drove along the side of the Mercedes, keeping up to speed so they didn't fall behind the group.

"Here he comes! That's him!" Alan shouted as the side door of the van opened, revealing a guy with long ginger coloured hair on the inside of the van. "Hey Neeco!!"

"Hey! What's up, Alan!" The guy, Neeco, greeted with a smile as he reached for a large brown paper package which contained the guys suits for the wedding, tossing one to Alan then grabbing the next one.

"Woah! Look out!" Neeco shouted, pointing at the road in front of them where Phil was about to rear end another car.

"Oh shit!" He shouted, swerving around the car then getting back in line with the van, Neeco tossing Alan the second package.

"Thanks, Neeco!" Alan thanked as he sat back down.

"Any time, man!"

"Page me!"

"Adios!" Neeco shouted with a fist pump in the air then ducking back inside his van.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Stu asked.

"That's my buddy!" Alan answered as Phil pulled over on the side of the road.

"Alan, pass those out," Phil said as the group began getting out of the car to change.

With Phil's last sentence, Brooklyn immediately hopped out of the back seat, digging through her purse to find her dress and shoes then changing into them, slightly struggling to lace the straps of the dress up as Phil blocked her from the road as best he could while he changed into his suit.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now