chapter 8;

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I stood there frozen not sure what to do as a million emotions and memories rushed through my vains, as my adrenaline pumped.
My breathing hitched as I stood up and moved back fast.
"N-n-no no no no no!" I said gradually getting louder as I kept backing up knocking over things in the process.
He moved closer until I couldn't move back any further hitting the wall of the plane.
He put each of his hands near my ears trapping me.
"Princess." He whispered.
My breathing continued to hitch with every move he made.
"Princess I've missed you." He whispered again kissing my cheek slowly.
My eyes opened wide as a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
He put his thumb up to wipe my tears away.
I stood there pinned against the wall terrified.
"I think she's uncomfortable." Grayson said placing a hand on his arm with ethan closely behind him.
He shifted his head towards him.
"This is none of your business." He said. "It is my business if it has to do with her." Grayson replied sternly.
"So you moved on quickly huh?" He asked me getting close he my face.
Grayson grabbed his hand and pulled it back stepping in front of me.
"This is the nicest way possible im going to say this. Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her." Grayson said with his jaws clenched.
"All passengers report back to your seats we are hitting turbulence." The flight attendant said over the loud speaker. Grayson stood there not moving an inch until he finally walked away.
I came back out and grabbed graysons hand guiding us to our seats.
We sat down and I stared out the window still shocked at what happened.
Grayson put his hand on my thigh making me jump.
"I-im s-sorry." I said quickly.
"Sammy, who was that?" Grayson asked softly.
"It was him." I gulped out.
"Who is 'him'?" Grayson asked.

Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short but I've been studying for finals like crazy omg I can't believe I had time to write this! Please comment and vote!
Xoxo kirsten 💋

19 Hours In The Clouds; Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now