Chapter 1

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The first day of school is always the worst, especially if you are in 7th grade.
The first day of seventh grade and I go to my first period class. The teacher tells us to sit wherever we want and that she will adjust is later if it's needed. So of course I sit next to my friend Kerynn. So the first day is off to a good start.

In the halls onto second period Kerynn and I talk about how she is afraid of being in the high school and how the first day is exciting. The only reason we think it's exciting is because we get to see our friends. You see we hung out all day, we had like every class together.

We were a few months into school and Kerynn decided that she liked Colin Ladue. After talking for a while she asked him out and he said yes. They dated for less then a month, during that time I felt like the second option, but I was happy for my best friend.

So after a few months of Kerynn and Colin not holding hands or talking, just sitting there silently next to each other while I talk enough for all of us, Kerynn came over to my house. She told me she wanted to break up with Colin and I was fine with that. To be honest they were a boring couple. So she wrote a message to him on my phone and she sat there and starred at the phone.
*20 minutes later*
"I can't send it", she said. So I ripped the phone out of her hand sent it and then tackled me to try and cancel the message but it was too late. She was mad but she was at my house so she couldn't stay mad at me.

After that day she came over like every weekend. We became closer than ever. We did everything together.

When winter came around, specifically Christmas time we hung out a little less. But trust me we were still best friends.
We took photos outside together, walked barefoot through the snow, and drank from each other's glasses.

All throughout this school year we had a million notes and a notebook full of them. Also she got mad at me like three times.
Here they go:
1. Over a note
2. Because I was friends with her boyfriend
3. Because of a phone I really don't even know
So pretty dumb reasons right? The note was actually about something she said about me. Why did it make her mad? Probably because she was talking crap about me. But I was still friends with her after she wasn't mad at me anymore.

But during the first time that she was mad at me she basically ripped my hair out trying to get the note. it want even about her. It was about something someone told me she said about me. It said, "Are u mad at me because savanna told me u were glaring at me and talking about me to her." She got mad wrote back, "No how could u accuse me." And I said, "Because I have known Savanna longer." So that's when she ripped up the note when I tried to grab it and shoved it in her mouth. Then she put it in the delicious lemonade that I made for her. What the heck! Who does that? Why that's a waste of perfectly good lemonade!

During the second time she was mad at me over being friends with her boyfriend was really stupid. This time was while she was dating Colin. So me and him were sitting there waiting for Kerynn to get to school and we were talking. And Kerynn showed up in the middle of our conversation and we kept talking we were going to just stop for her. We were taking before she got there so we kept discussing sports and that kind of thing. So Kerynn got mad at me for talking to her boyfriend and she went out and said, "So how can u just sit there and talk to Colin and hot me when I am standing right here." So I spit words back at her and what came out was actually very clever. I said "well at least I'm talking to Colin and I am not even the one dating him." That shut her up.

Finally the third time Kerynn was mad at me in seventh grade, well out of the major times she was mad at me, there were many short times of her being mad at me. This time she was mad because I texted her and her dad said she couldn't get a new phone because I texted her. So apparently Kerynn told me I couldn't text her that weekend. She never to me that or obviously I wouldn't have texted her. So it was all my fault. And even after she got the new phone she was mad at me because she had to wait longer to get it and she didn't get to pick it out herself. So sorry, cry me a river!

As you can kind of tell Kerynn was way over dramatic. But I was still we friend. She made me feel special.

When it became spring me and Kerynn hung out a lot, again! My mom told Kerynn that she had been over enough for her to have to do chores. When she told my mom no, she got tickled until she agreed to do the work. That is how close we were.

When the end of 7th grade came around Kerynn came over and we got rid of our notes. We burnt them and then buried them in my woods. Except one note I didn't burn. I kept it in a box in my woods. Kerynn didn't know about this until later. Even though we were best friends we still kept secrets from each other. But this was only 7th grade the rest of her story is a real ride.

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