Chapter 4: Road Rage

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(Y/N) poked his head out from behind the corner of the abandoned shop. Applejack poked her head out under his, looking around as she adjusted her hat. The two of them are back in central Ponyville, looking for a way to get to Canterlot and find the rest of their friends. Aside from the fact that they have to sneak through a town full of Changeling soldiers... it's a pretty easy task.

Applejack snuck along the ground to the next building while (Y/N) kept a look out with their weapon ready. She peeked out, then waved a hoof at (Y/N), who crawled along up to her behind the wall. The duo looked over a motor pool of different Changeling vehicles neatly parked outside of the town hall, with several Changeling soldiers patrolling the area or just sitting around. (Y/N) narrowed his eyes at a Kubelwagen car, cracking a smile as he motioned to the car with his head, earning a nod from Applejack.

 (Y/N) narrowed his eyes at a Kubelwagen car, cracking a smile as he motioned to the car with his head, earning a nod from Applejack

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The two of them dived to the ground, crawling underneath the rows of vehicles to avoid the patrols. Once the vehicle line-up ended, they both stood up and continued sneaking towards the parked car. A pair of Changeling hooves were seen approaching as Applejack froze in place, tensing up as she feared what would come of them if they were caught... until a set of (C/C) hooves wrapped around her torso, yanking her into the back of a covered supply truck, darkness falling over her.

She slowly looked up, a pair of (E/C) eyes meeting hers before looking towards a slit of light poking through the flaps of the truck's tarp. The eyes continued to watch the opening as they heard multiple Changeling voices just outside of the truck, but Applejack's thoughts began to drift elsewhere. Her close proximity to (Y/N) and the position they were in left her head and upper body pressed against his. She could hear his steady heartbeat thumping in her ear and head, clouding her thoughts; it was oddly comforting to her. She struggled to adjust her position as the two ponies sat pressed against one another between all the crates and bags of items in the back of the truck. The mare could feel the stallion's surprisingly muscular build through his airborne uniform.

Applejack: 'When did (Y/N) get so toned?', the mare thought.

The Changeling voices faded from view; the coast was clear as (Y/N) pulled himself out of the truckbed first, looking around then helping Applejack down, smiling at her before carefully sneaking toward the Kubelwagen. Did he notice her listening to his heartbeat? Applejack shook her head to clear those thoughts and joined (Y/N) at the car. He dug through the compartment, finding the keys - some poor Changeling soldier is gonna be in a lot of trouble for this.

(Y/N): "Got the keys.. you know how to drive one of these, AJ?"

Applejack took a soft gulp of saliva as she leaned in to view the wheel and controls.

Applejack: "A-Ah mean... I can drive a tractor so.."

(Y/N) scratched his chin for a moment with his hoof, giving a skeptical look to Applejack as he pointed with the same hoof.

(Y/N): "Wasn't that the same tractor you crashed into the side of the barn?"

Applejack gave him a scowl and a glare, ignoring the comment as she focused back on the car, snatching the keys in her teeth as she sat in the driver's seat.

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