Exit from Hell

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Warning: This chapter contain mentioning of bullying, self harm, past trauma, homophobia

The Springs' were in a hell hole. Issac was the only person who contacted his brothers. He passed necessary one's to his parents.

Mr and Mrs Spring were walking on thorns thinking about their sons. They tried to call them but no use. Parents refused to eat something as they were worried sick.

When the time was closing to noon they heard a car pulling over. Issac ran to open the door. As soon as he saw Ryan he ran and gave a tight hug. Ryan's eyes filled with tears with that warm hug. He wrapped his hands around his younger brother. 'Hey Issy, what's up?' Ryan tried to chill up the moment.

'Nothing much. What about you?'

'I'm good'.

"I gave an earful to Mama and Dada. I've got it all under control. Don't worry'.

'Aww'. Ryan cooed after pulling away from the hug. He ruffled his little brother's head. 'Thats cool. Thank Issy'.

'No problem. But why did you come?'

'I need to get my things'

"So.... You are leaving?'


'Thats better for you. Come in'

All of them got inside the house. They stood in front of their parents. Harold was holding his boyfriend's hand tightly. Mrs Spring saw her sons and Harold, she ran towards Jack and hugged him

'Where were you? Me and your Dada was hell of worried. Don't you dare do that again?'

The group of young men were flabbergasted with her reaction. Ryan couldn't care less. He walked over the scene targetting his room but was stopped by his mother's voice.

'Where do you think you are going?'

He turned his head focusing his mother.

'After all that scene you created, that too in a friend's house, don't you have an ounce of shame to come back?'

Ryan was turned into a statue after hearing those words. After a few seconds of realisation he scoffed and went to his room.

'RYAN COME BACK.' His mother shouted. But still he went to his room. Issac helped his brother to pack things.

'Mama, are you in your senses? He , your second son was heartbroken and ran away in cold even without warm clothes. We found him shivering to death. He almost died . And still you give no fucks about him.'

'JACK WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE.' His father shouted.

'Oh c'mon Dada. Stop all this nonsense. He is your son. Stop being an enemy. He did no wrong in first place and now, you just...' Jack was lost of words

After a few seconds Ryan came down with his bag. Harold took the bag from Ryan's hand and walked towards the car. Ryan hugged his brothers good bye. As he was about to leave, his Father stopped him by grabbing his hand. As he turned a slap landed in his cheeks.

He rubbed the red cheek while Jack ran to him. 'Thanks Dada' he scoffed. 'Now it makes feel more to get out of this hell hole'.

'You are not going anywhere'.

'You are not the one who decides that.'

'How dare you talk back to me'


'You. ...never considered me as a son. Both of you . Never. I am your son. I am your blood. I am every single gene of both of you. Still, why do you hate me? What wrong did I do to.... the both of you to treat me like a garbage for all these years. You were never proud of me for my any achievements'. He turned to his mother 'Mama, you only needed me when you want some chores to get done. Dada wanted me to vent his anger and pressuring me to achieve his dreams and telling me those are the best options. I hate being here. I hate living here. I cannot breathe when I am here. You say I am your son I don't feel like it.

Sobs were blocking him from speaking but he tooks breaths. He wanted say everything which was penting in his mind. 'You guys were never there when Mark East was chasing me down the corridors of school, he poured paint all over me, calling slurs. He tied me in a chair and stripped me down. Did any of you knew it? When I came to you to talk about it you just shoved me away, stop being a kid you said, you were never proud of me. Never. You always loved Jack and Issac not me. I am your son and I have to prove my worth every second of my life so I could get a little bit of love I deserved.'

All of them stood silent. They were petrified. There were tears, silent sobs. Ryan wiped his face and continued

'You used to take my plate away before I finish my food. You always complain about the way I looked. After all this, I finally found happiness, peace, joy in this person'. He pointed towards Harold. Harold just wanted to take him away but he wanted Ryan to complete everything he wanted to do. 'He made me happy, he supported me, he loved me. He loved me for who I am, he was there everytime I needed him. Now you all wanted me to be separated from him. How can you just....... What should I do you to stop this cruelty towards me? Should I kneel down and beg? Should I die? I'll do anything...... Please stop.

Ryan walked off the door and sat in the car.
Harold followed him and got in the car. They droved off to their home

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