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   ☆New years eve☆

Will's POV

I was sitting in the gym working out with the weights when a guard came in.

"Back to your cell boy" I turned to him and rolled my eyes setting the weight down and standing up.

"I remember when you first got here" the gaurd said while putting cuffs on my wrists.

"Really cuz I don't remember you" I said lowly as he brought me out the gym.

"Well you don't seem to have any memory but I was the gaurd who took you and the other kid to your guys cell you were frail practically bones now your all buff or whatever."

I scoffed "ok" he smirked "I'm serious you got bigger boy much more muscular" I sighed as he brought me over and I saw Maverick sit up.

"Can't wait till I'm out ill be gone tommorow" the gaurd threw me in "yea goodnight" I sat down on my bed as the gaurd walked away and Maverick came down to my bed.

"Happy new years Willy" he said while laying down next to me I turned to him and smiled.

"Happy new years Mave" "how you feeling?" "Amazing yet terrible at the same time."

"Why?" I turned to him as my smile fell "I'll miss you" his smile fell but then became soft "don't worry I'll think of you everyday and I'll tell my new cell mate all about you if he's nice." I giggled a bit as Maverick pulled me into a hug.

"You better vist me every other day Willy" I chuckled lowly as my eyes began to fall heavy.

"Ofcourse" "and when I'm out ill find a good job that allows people with a crimal record and become rich" I turned to him and smirked "really" he smiled "yes really"

"Wanna add my last mark Mave" he chuckled and grabbed the wire from under his bed bring it down and crawling to the very bottom adding my last mark.

Fireworks began to pop outside of the prison I heard some other prisoners cheer I smiled at Maverick as he layed back down next to me.

"Happy new year Will" I smiled as I closed my eyes "happy new year Mave."

☆Next day:Will's Release☆

I woke up when I heard banging on my bed.

"What?" I groaned sitting up Mavericks dirty brown hair covers his face as he layed over the side of his bed.

"Theres an hour until your release" I smiled and sat up quickly climbing onto Mavericks bed.

"I can't wait till I'm out I'm gonna see Jonathan and the new baby, my sister, Max and Lucas, Jackie and Toby and then I'll see..."

"Your Mikey pooooo" he said I turned to him and smirked while blushing "yup that's the plan."

"He's gonna think you look sooo hot now that your buff and sexy!" I laughed "hopefully and I just got a bit of muscles" he smiled "you got a lot more then before."

I smiled while I looked out the bars on our window, the sun was coming up and my smile got wider.

"Fuck dude I'm gonna miss you" I turned to Maverick as he said that I sighed and held his hand "don't worry you'll be ok and like we discussed over and over again I'll come visit"

☆I Did This All for You☆-BylerWhere stories live. Discover now