xvii. GUESS !

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"SO, WHATS UP with you and Nathalia?" Vinicius questions as he sits down on the grass next to Rodrygo. They were luckily given a 15 minute break at training which gave the Brazilian the perfect chance to ask.

"I was wondering the same thing." Jude says in between deep breaths, clearly struggling in the Spanish heat.

"Nothing, we're taking things slow."

"I've seen a turtle walk way faster than how slow you've guys been."

Rodrygo lightly shoves Vinicius who bursts out into laughter. Eduardo and Aurélien quickly joined the three on the grass, clearly wanting to know more about the gossip.

"I betrayed her trust," Rodrygo quietly says, messing with the edge of his shorts. "If she wants to take things slow then I'll do just that. I really like her." He mumbles the last part, hoping that no one heard him.

Unfortunately for him, Jude heard him loud and clear despite still learning Spanish. "Did I hear that right? You really like her?"


"Do you love her?" Vinicius asks in a teasing tone. He lets out a loud gasp at Rodrygo's silence which said enough in response. "Rodrygo Goes, you're in love with Nathalia?"

Eduardo quickly shushes him when he notices their other teammates giving them curious glances. He leans in closer and whispers, "Are you really in love with her?"

Rodrygo shrugs and suddenly feels his cheeks heat up. "I don't know. I think so." He mumbles in response.

"So, Rodrygo's in love?" The Brazilian looks up and sees the Croatian midfielder taking a seat next to him. Luka had always been close to Rodrygo, even referring to him as his son at times. It was obvious that he was curious on his crush.

"Maybe," Rodrygo says but Luka raised his eyebrow, "Fine, I am. I'm in love with Nathalia!"

The group was quick to become rowdy from immediately teasing Rodrygo. Luka chuckles at the reaction of his younger teammates. He gently pats the shoulder of the young Brazilian and responds, "Cristiano's daughter? You two look cute together. Good luck though."

Rodrygo raises his eyebrow curiously at the Croatian's word. "Good luck?"

Luka nods in response. "Cristiano is extremely protective over Nathalia. I'm sure he'll like you though." He gives the Brazilian a pat on his back before excusing himself leaving the younger players to overthink.

Rodrygo suddenly started to overthink. His idol, the father of the girl he was in love with, potentially not liking him? It made him go crazy. Vinicius looks at his closest friend with a confused look.

"What's wrong with you? Are you gonna tell her?"

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"Ronaldo?" Jude asks.

Rodrygo nods in reply. "It's Cristiano Ronaldo. Of course he'd be protective over Nathalia. What if I'm not good enough-"

"Don't be stupid!" Eduardo exclaims as he leans over and slaps the back of his head. "She's so in love with you. I'm genuinely surprised she hasn't like made out with you or something. I've never seen anyone smile so much at someone. Don't worry."

Rodrygo started to feel a bit more hopeful. His lips curled into a smile as he questions, "You think so?"

"She's crazy in love with you." Aurélien responds to him. "You have to tell her. Not in person though."

The Brazilian quickly nods, already trying to think of a way to tell her. "I'll figure a plan out. Besides, I think Pintus has been calling for us." At the last sentence, the group quickly stood up in a panic to rush back to training.

☾⋆。𖦹 °✩



guess what
guess guess

can i get a hint?


well that doesn't help😒

i'm going to madrid next month w gio
so i can bother u soon😝

you never bother me
oh great 🙄
found this cafe that i think you'd like

awh rodrygo u know me so well
we must go to the farmers market like
the first time remember

i dream about that cake

ok let's make that cake 😝
so i can tell you that i'm in love with you

oh please, i'm already looking forward to it!
might have to train extra this week to
prepare for it
and to distract myself from getting so

in the mean time, i'll perfect my strawberry
cake to make sure u have the best 🫡🫡

already looking forward to it😫

bi speaks ! ☆彡
have y'all seen the jude, rodrygo,
camavinga and tchouameni pics?
i've been obsessed w them😫

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