viii. QUÉ PASÓ?

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"BUENOS DÍAS, OR IS IT BUENAS TARDES?" Georgina teasingly says as she sees Nathalia finally exit out of her room. Everyone else were already starting to eat their lunch when the eldest woke up.

The Argentine already had advil and a cup of water set on the counter. Nathalia thanks her as she takes the advil.

"Must've been partying hard, eh?"

She turns around and sees that her father had finally arrived. She gives him a soft smile as she walks over to give him a quick hug. "Yeah, definitely too hard." She yawns.

"Are you hungry? I can serve you." Georgina offers.

"No, I just want coffee and bread right now." Nathalia replies as she walks over to the coffee machine. She furrows up her eyebrows at realization that she didn't remember how she got home the previous night- or early that morning. "Wait, how'd I come home last night?"

"Your boyfriend." Cristiano Jr, her younger brother, replies in between chuckles.

"Why were you up that late?" Their father questions him.

"She's very loud when she's drunk."

"My boyfriend?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed up. She lets out a sigh at the realization of who they were talking about. "Rodrygo isn't my boyfriend." She angrily mumbles, setting her coffee cup under the coffee machine.

As she watches the coffee brew, she suddenly remembered everything from the night before.

"No! Why'd you do that!" Vinicius exclaims, slurring his words as Nathalia places a +4 card down. Everyone had already left and it was just Vinicius, Eduardo, and Aurélien left in the living room. The two French players were knocked out on the couch with blankets covering them as the other 2 were still drunkenly playing uno.

Rodrygo stayed behind with Federico as well to help clean up the mess. Both didn't drink much, since they both still had to drive back home. The Uruguayan walks into the living room and takes Vinicius who easily complied. The Brazilian winger was so drunk that he had to lean against Federico to be able to get to his room.

Nathalia stayed on the couch, laughing as she watches her friend being dragged away. Rodrygo suddenly appears in front of her, causing her smile to immediately drop.

"Thalia, vamos, you have to get home." He quietly says, helping her stand up from the couch.

"But I don't want to go." She mumbles, slurring her words and dragging out the 'o'.

"But you have to. I'm sure Georgina is worried."

She lets out a huff at the mention of Georgina who was basically her mother. "Fine." She replies. He grabs her hand bag that was next to her and leads her outside to his car. He helps her get into the passenger seat and even buckles her seatbelt for her.

Drunken Nathalia was overwhelmed with emotions, especially from seeing Rodrygo flirt with a girl just hours earlier. Drunken Nathalia was also just very emotional im general. In the middle of the silent drive back home, she started tearing up.

Rodrygo didn't fail to notice her tears when he glanced over at her when there was a red light. "Thalia, tudo bem?" [everything okay?]

"Não." [no] She mumbles in between sniffles. "Soy una tonta." [i'm a fool] She switches language which thankfully for him, he was able to easily understand.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't talk to me. Go talk to that girl."

He furrows up his eyebrows in confusion before realizing who she was talking about. "Nathalia, look-"

"We're home!" She exclaims once she sees Rodrygo slowly turn into the drive way of her home, immediately forgetting the previous conversation.

He lets out a sigh as he parks his car. He helps Nathalia get down and leads her to the front door. Using the keys from her bag, he opens the door and leads her in.

As much as she tried to stay quiet, she kept bumping and tripping into everything. He tried holding back his laugh as he hears her mumble to herself. "Rodry! My room is- it's here!" She loudly exclaims as she struggles to open the door.

"Thalia, you're gonna wake everyone up." Rodrygo whispers and quietly laughs. He helps lead her to her bed and even helps her lay down.

"'M tired." Nathalia mumbles as he takes off her heels.

He grabs the pink blanket that was folded at the end of her bed and gently lays it over her. "Well, it's 3 in the morning" He chuckles.

"Do you like me?" She suddenly asks.

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"Then why'd you talk to that pretty girl."

Rodrygo lets out a sigh as he stood up straight. "You're drunk. You should go to sleep, Thalia." He whispers, moving the strands of her hair away from her face.

Nathalia lets out a huff before mumbling a soft, "Goodnight, Rodry."

Hw softly smiles at her as he makes his way to her door, "Goodnight, Thalia."

"Dios Mío." [my God] Nathalia mumbles in embarrassment as she sets her coffee on the dining table. Georgina chuckles at her, handing her a piece of her favorite pan dulce.

"It was nice of him to bring you home at least." Cristiano replies. Instead of seeing a smile from his eldest daughter, he sees an upset expression on her face. "Is everything okay?"

He shared a look with Georgina as Nathalia angrily bites into the pink concha in her hands. Luckily, the other kids were distracted by the show playing on TV and Cris Jr was watching some video on his phone.

"Oye, qué pasó?" [Hey, what happened?] The Argentine asks, placing her hand over hers.

"Just my horrible love life again," She huffs in response, setting the bread down on the plate. "You know, I don't even want to date anyone right now. I'm gonna focus on myself."

"It's good to focus on yourself for some time, but don't let that get in the way of something your care about." Cristiano advised his daughter as he gently pats the top of her head.

"But I thought you and Rodrygo were close? I thought there was something going on." Georgina questions. She remembers how much the Brazilian made her daughter happy, so she was confused on everything.

Nathalia sighs as she gets up from the table with her coffee in one hand and the plate of bread in the other. "I thought so too." She whispers, rushing off to her room.

bi speaks ! ☆彡
rodrygo looks so fine in his
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