The Interview

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The boys did the opening just perfectly. I found out all of the boys names and I had a blast doing the interview. After the boys did their introduction Casey and I introduced ourselves and asked our questions;  

Casey: So boys, Katie wants to know what is your favorite color? Liam, why don't you start us off?  

Liam: Uhm, okay...I'm going to say purple.  

Harry: Orange  

Zayn: Red  

Louis: Red  

Niall: Blue  

Me: Wanda wants to know who is the band flirt and why?  

*I looked directly at Zayn only to see him looking at a very cheeky Harry.* 

Zayn: I think that Harry is the biggest flirt!  

Louis: Right, because he just loves the ladies.  

Harry: Yeah, but the ladies don't always love me.  

*Harry looked at Casey and winked at her. He was rewarded with a blushing, giggling Casey.* 

Me: So you flirt, but all the girls say no?  

Harry: No, it is more like, uh, that, um, I usually get yeses but once or twice I'll get a no.  

Liam: But he has such a pretty face that it rarely ever happens.  

*Liam smiled and Niall did the most cutest laugh I have ever heard.* 

Casey: Elizabeth wants to know, if you were to move to the states, where would you go?  

Zayn: Probably L.A., love the girls!  

Liam: Tampa, Florida!! I love Tampa!  

Niall: Some where along the east coast.  

Harry: New York.  

*Harry smiled and looked at Casey. New York was the one place in the whole world she wanted to go to.* 

Louis: Y'know, I really like L.A. as well. I would love to go there again.  

Casey: What do you fancy about New York, Harry?  

Me: Casey, ask him that later. The fans have questions.  

Casey: Right, Clara has a question for Liam.  

Liam: Whoohoo! Thanks babe!  

*Casey started laughing at the boys messing around so I had to ask the question.* 

Me: Liam how were you born effectively dead? I'm sorry, what? How? Ohmigosh Liam.  

Liam laughed.  

Liam: Well, the doctors couldn't get any reaction from me. One of my kidney's wasn't working properly, it had been scarred, and the other kidney was working at 95 percent of its capacity. But recently I went to the doctors and my kidney works fine now.  

Louis: That means he can finally drink now!  

Niall: He would do these twitcams, sometimes after shows or whenever we got a break, and Liam would stay in the hotel room and do his thing while we were all down at the bar.  

Me: Oh Liam! I'm so sorry!  

Liam: It's cool, babe. I love the fact that my kidney works now.  

Casey: Move onto the next question, I'm going to cry.  

Boys: aww, no, don't.  

Harry: Don't cry, love. 

Niall: He is okay now!  

Me: Calm down. Breathe, breathe. You okay?  

*Casey nodded*  

Casey: May you excuse me, I need to use the lou.  

Louis: What? Me?  

*Casey laughed*  

Casey: No, the toilet, where is it?  

Louis: 2nd door in the corridor.  

Casey: Thank you.  

*Casey turned off her mic and left. I looked up at the boys with a sheepish grin.*  

Me: I will edit that out later. Next question?  

Zayn: Sure, give it a go.  

Me: If you could switch bodies with one of the boys who would you choose and why?  

Liam: Oh that's a good one.  

*the boys looked at each other, probably listing pros and cons in their head.*  

Niall: I'd choose Harry.  

Harry: Thanks mate.  

*Harry smiled then frowned.*  

Harry: Wait, why?  

Niall: Because, I have such a fast metabolism and I can't seem to put on any wight. And he eats like a boxer.  

Harry: I'd choose Zayn.  

*Zayn laughed then Louis, then Niall, then Liam!*  

Me: Why?  

Harry: He'a just got a pretty face doesn't he? Love his jawline.  

*Harry grabbed Zayn's face and formed a fishy face.*  

Liam: Niall, because I would want to know what he is thinking.  

Niall: It is a mystery.  

Louis: I would want to be Harry, 'cause I want curly hair.  

Zayn: Liam, because I would want to do his head lock.  

Me: Sierra asked, wait, what head lock? What is it really good er something?  

Harry: Paul has to tell him to calm down, once you're in there, there's no getting out.  

*Liam blushed and Casey returned from the bathroom.*  

Liam: Guys, lets go on to the next question.  

*Liam beamed those puppy dog eyes at me and I smiled.*  

Casey: Right, Sierra asked what's your favorite website to go on?  

Liam: Tumblr.  

Harry: Yeah, Tumblr. But some of those stories get pretty intense though. Louis and I am not going out!  

Louis: I have a girlfriend! Her name is Eleanor, and she is the most beautiful, lovely, woman I've been with.  

Casey and I: Ahww! 

Casey: You two look absolutely adorable together! I do not ship Larry Stylinson.  

Me: Who is Larry Stylinson?  

Harry: You are my favorite person.  

Louis: Its Harry's an I pairing name, some people think we are actually a couple.  

Me: So all of you are straight?  

Zayn: As a pole.  

Liam: Yup, 100 percent.  

Niall: I like girls, but I love food.  

Harry: I think I'm looking for a lady actually.  

Zayn: You think?  

Harry: Yeah, Midnight Memories just came out. I'm a fabulous wingman so maybe a few charms can be used for me.  

*Harry winks at the camera*  

Niall laughs and the interview continues with a few laughs here and there. Casey and I end the interview and the boys start to be, well, boys.

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