A Night on the Town part2

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Liam and I must have two very different definitions of fancy. The boys escorted Casey and I to a huge yacht that had lights strung all about the three floors of the yacht. It looked really fancy that's for sure. When we all walked up on the dock that was splashed with water from the Thames, I had to hold on to Casey's arm so I wouldn't fall into the river. Liam helped Casey and I onto the boat when all of a sudden I heard a hundred people yell,

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Harry!"

I nearly peed. I froze absolutely shocked. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Thanks you guys!" Harry exclaimed, keeping his hands in his pockets but put on a big smile, he looked clearly surprised. I looked over at Liam and he looked just as surprised, and a bit upset. Niall had already joined the giant group of people as music started playing. Casey followed suit, apparently we did dress just right for the occasion.

"I'm sorry." Liam whispered in my ear, "I didn't know this would happen, Harry's birthday is February first anyway, not January thirty-first." I laughed.

"Really? All these people are throwing a party for him only for his birthday to be tomorrow?"

Liam shrugged, "Harry usually goes home for his birthday so he doesn't really party or go all out. I guess this is a party to celebrate his birthday before he goes home. If you want to leave I totally understand."

I thought about it. I could party. Or leave said party and have Liam possibly come with me. But Casey...she might need me-

No you're only looking for a way out. Liam is brilliant and a gentleman, if he's offering to leave then go with him. Casey will be fine, you could come back for her later tonight.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked Liam, still standing by the plank of the boat.

"I will if you will." He said with a wink, I giggled.

"Alright, but we have to come back later for the others."

"Of course," Liam held out his arm for me to take it, "Milady?" He said slightly bowing. I laughed at him and walked right pass his gesture and onto the dock. I turned back to see Liam following me with his hands in his pockets. A wind blew by and I mentally punch myself for leaving my jacket in Harry's car. It's January. In London. I am obviously not thinking straight. I involuntarily shook from the cold and Liam put his jacket on my shoulders. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath, but I still felt bad. I mean, how cliché is this right now? Very kind and thoughtful but cliché nonetheless.

"Thanks Payne."

"I was starting to wonder if you had any body heat at all since we had to walk to the yacht." He joked.

"Yes well, I was huddled between people at the time and wasn't really cold for the time being. I really am glad I wore leggings though, that helps a bit." I smiled at Liam as I put my arms through the jacket sleeves.

"You're different." He murmured.

"I'm sorry?"

"You're different. You're not like the other girls or reporters-" I put my hand up to silence him.

"I'm going to stop you right there Payne. You don't really know me. And let's be real here, you haven't taken any reporters or fans to dinner have you? Or attempted I guess I should say, since party thing on the boat...But that isn't the point. Now before this night get's ruined I just want to say, thanks for the jacket it has thawed me out, and I don't want this night to just be one huge cliché. Deal? Now if we hang out some more or something than you can say I'm not like any other girls you've met. Because Liam, I am not a girl, I am a woman." I crossed my arms and faced him, not entirely however because he was still a few inches taller. He seemed to be thinking my words over and he finally sighed and smiled and said,

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