Chapter One: "My hiding place."

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Chapter One
"my hiding place"

The faint sound of my shoes hitting the concrete, and the wind swaying the stars, making them chime— The night sky swallowed me in its silence. The dim light of the moon shone on my face, illuminating my eyes and the tips of my trainers.

"And then he told me that he wanted a better life! Away from me!" A lady across the street screamed. I froze, being pulled out of the beauty of the darkness wasn't something I had expected.


Looking at my options of running away had come to no avail. I could go back, but that would be taking me away from my original destination. My hands shook, and my thumbs fidgeted. Panicking was pretty normal for me, I can't really remember when I first had an 'anxiety attack', but, it was somewhere around when I started school.  School sucked, and it always will.
The lady placed down her phone,

"You alright? Sorry about that, my boyfriend- er, 'Ex' boyfriend's a jerk." She smiled warmly and started walking across the road. Her white, long coat fluttered with her blond hair.
More panic.

I respond with, "Go away." except I don't. Instead, I keep walking. She trailed behind me. Her nose and shivering hands were red in the 32-degree Fahrenheit night weather.

"Hello?" She stepped closer. She was probably in her late 20s and was wasting her time worrying about a random kid taking a walk at 11:30 pm. "Did you run away?" She walked faster, placing her hand on my shoulder, "Why are you out so late?"

I shook her off and said, "None of your business." Only, I didn't say that. Instead, I said nothing.

"Well, do you need to get home? You don't have to ride with me, we can walk if you're scared of getting kidnapped, haha." She joked.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, glaring back with my teeth clenched. My feet moved quicker. My eyes wide and apprehensive. The water splattered as my feet clapped against the cement. The leaves rustled as the breeze blew them far away.

The next time I looked back, the girl was gone. Like a speck of snow in a whole world of other specks too similar to differentiate between them all. That's what most people are, the same. They're all just here to make each other miserable. Those who say "all snowflakes are unique" are liars. Unless they grab a microscope and pick out the little differences on the outside. They're all made of dust and ice, just because you have different features doesn't make you special. People's personalities are all ubiquitous— even mine. Selfish.

The world was quiet again. I was alone. A black cat ran by me and crawled into the storm drain. The tail flicked and his back arched, as a cat's back does, then the cat was out of sight. Loneliness isn't as bad as people make it out to be. You can just do whatever you want,  no one cares, you have nobody to share it with... Anyway, It's nice. And peaceful. There was a silver fence lining the sidewalk and a landfill on the opposite end. I was almost near the outskirts of the town, my hiding place.

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