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"That kind of looks like a tree." Y/N thought while looking up at the sky. Not noticing someone landing beside him, Y/N continued looking up at the sky, watching the clouds. "Y/N, Y/N." Being brought back to reality, he turned toward the voice he heard: Mothra. "Oh, hello, Mothra." "Hello Y/N." Mothra tilted her head to the side. "What are you doing?" "Just watching the clouds," Y/N responded, shifting his body to face her. "Anyway, what brings you here?" "I wanted to check in on you and maybe hang out," Mothra smiled. A smile formed on his face. That was the thing about Mothra—just her being happy made Y/N happy.

"Sure," Y/N said. Mothra opened her wings. "I have a place in mind," Mothra spoke while starting to fly off the ground. Following suit, both took off in the air. "So where is it?" Y/N asked while flying beside Mothra. "You'll see." Nodding, both Titans flew through the air, going around 100 mph. "So," Y/N began, "How's Battra doing?" "Oh, he's doing fine." Mothra turned her head towards Y/N. "He hasn't attacked any humans for a while." Y/N nodded. "That's good. I would prefer not to fight him again." "Same. I hate fighting him." Mothra spoke while wincing slightly. "But I'm glad he's changing." She followed up.

Y/N took notes of his surroundings; they were in the mountains. "This is nice," Mothra commented. Y/N turned his head and gave a nod. "We're almost there." Before Y/N could comment, a titan looking like Megaguirus slammed against Mothra and took hold of her before flying toward the ground. Mothra struggled against her grip, shooting silk in her face in an attempt to stop her, which caused her to decelerate. This gave Mothra enough time to break free and swipe at her face, damaging her. Megaguirus recovered and was about to launch herself at Mothra before something grabbed her tail.

Y/N stabbed his talons into Megaguirus's tail, which caused her to roar in pain. Pulling her towards him, he forcefully wrapped his arms around her waist and bit down hard on her neck. She struggled before her body went limp. Removing his mouth and letting go, he watched her body fall down towards the mountains. Wiping the blood off his mouth, Y/N flew towards Mothra. "You okay?" Y/N questioned her while looking her up and down for any damages. "I'm fine, thank you." Nodding, Y/N turned around. "Well, let's continue, shall we?" Mothra smiled and said, "We shall."

Word Count 414

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now