he clings to you - Stray Kids ninth member (requested)

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"Y/N?" Chan spoke as he noticed how out of breath and sweaty you were. "Doing okay?"

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly and wiped the beads of sweat off of your forehead.

You and the boys are working super hard to practice for the upcoming tour.

However, you're not feeling very well today.

You woke up feeling pretty sick but you know how important this is so you still pushed forward and came to practice with the boys.

But they can see that you're only feeling worse and, of course, they're all worried about you.

"Do you want to go back to the dorm?" Minho asked.

"I don't know. It's so important that we keep practicing."

"Your health is much more important," Hyunjin spoke.

"Go to the dorm, Y/N. It's perfectly okay. Get some rest." Chan spoke with a warm smile on his face.

You couldn't argue with him as you just felt too drained and too sick.

You gathered your things and headed to the door, only to feel a pair of arms wrap around you as one of the members hugged you.

You weren't surprised at all to find that it was Jisung.

You were very close with all of the boys.

Being the only female in the group, they're all pretty protective of you and they all just adore you.

But your bond with Jisung is different and it's so strong that being separated is hard on both of you.

You felt his fingers brush across your sides softly and his lips touch your shoulder.

It was a friendly kiss... or so you thought.

For him, it was more loving than anything else.

"Jisung?" You spoke as you turned your head to stare back at him.

"You're leaving?" He asked, pouting.

"I don't feel good." You said with a heavy sigh. "I just want to crawl into bed and stay there forever."

You shivered in his grip and he hugged you a little closer as he brushed his fingers across your arms, trying to warm you up.

"What if you get worse while you're alone? At least here we can look out for you." He said as a worried expression appeared on his face.

"I know but I'm just exhausted. I need my bed."

You turned around to face him and then buried your face in his neck.

He could feel how hot your skin felt, you were running a fever for sure.

He rubbed your back comfortingly and clung to you, wishing he could make everything better.

He turned to look at the boys, wordlessly pleading with them to let him go so you wouldn't be alone.

"You can go with her, Jisung. I think we're almost done for the day." Chan spoke.

"No, I don't want to make anyone miss anything important." You said.

"You're more important." He whispered as he stared into your eyes when you lifted your head. "I'm not letting you go alone."

He clung to you a little tighter and in his embrace, you felt warm and safe.

So you stopped protesting and nodded.

He grabbed his things before walking out of the building with you.

You caught a cab back to the dorm and the whole way there, he kept clinging to you.

Not even for a second did he let you go.

But you weren't complaining; he was warm and safe.

His scent and his arms made you feel secure and content, something you needed to feel since you were so under the weather.

When you got back to the dorm, you went inside and made your way to your room and he continued to cling to you the whole way.

"Jisung, if you don't let go, you're going to catch whatever I have." You warned.

"Okay." He said.

You rolled your eyes before climbing into your bed and he came over to tuck you in.

"You've been clingy with me ever since I got ready to leave practice and now you refuse to lay with me?"

"You want me to?"

You nodded.

"Keep being your clingy self; I love it." You said as he lay down beside you.

His lips pulled into a smile and he brushed his fingers through your hair, brushing away the ones that clung to your sweaty skin.

"Get some sleep."

"You'll keep clinging to me when I do?"

"Absolutely." He said as he stroked your warm cheek, curled up as close to you as possible.

Your eyes slipped shut and you drifted off to sleep with him still clinging right to you, almost like a koala.

But you loved it... almost as much as you loved him.

And Jisung just watched you sleep with a smile on his face, wondering if you were as in love with him as he was with you.

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