he gets jealous of how close you are with another member (requested)

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"I'll get it," Chan said upon hearing a knock come from the front door.

When he opened it, he saw you standing there and a friendly smile pulled at his lips.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you today?"

Upon hearing your name, Jisung quickly turned away from Hyunjin and looked over at you.

"Y/N? As in my girlfriend?" He asked before jumping off from the sofa in excitement.

You stepped inside and Chan closed the door behind you before you rushed to Jisung and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You leaned in and put your lips on his, making him smile into the kiss.

"You didn't tell me you were coming over." He said as he wrapped his arms around you. "But it's a very nice surprise that you came to see me."

He brushed his fingers along your back and leaned in to kiss the corners of your lips, causing you to giggle happily.

"I promise to spend some time with you too but I actually didn't come over to see you." You said and Jisung's eyebrows furrowed in response. "I came over to see Seungmin."

"Seungmin?" Jisung frowned. "Why?"

"Because we're friends." You laughed. "Since we've been together, I've gotten pretty close to all the boys. But Seungmin and I have a lot in common and we just bond pretty well together. He wanted me to come over and hang out for a little while."

Just then, Seungmin entered the room and you pulled away from Jisung.

"I'll see you in a little while, okay? I love you so much." You told your boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the cheek before following Seungmin to his room.

You were laughing and joking around the entire way there, so joyful and so happy that your boyfriend couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

"Did she seriously just say she came over to hang out with Seungmin?" He asked Felix as he sat back down.

"In the nicest way possible, you should've known this was going to happen. You're dating a very funny and sweet girl who we all adore and want to be friends with. It was inevitable that she was going to bond with us and become close to all of us." Jeongin said.

"She might be your girlfriend but we all adore her too. We like hanging out with her. You've got a great girl." Hyunjin said.

"I know, I know." Jisung sighed. "I guess I just didn't expect her to come over to hang out with Seungmin. I thought she was here to be with me."

"She did say she'll spend time with you too. But she and Seungmin are friends. You don't need to be jealous. Trust us, she loves you more than anything." Minho said.

"He's right. That girl is so in love with you. She looks at you like you're her entire universe." Changbin assured.

Jisung smiled a little and felt the worry lift from his shoulders as Changbin's reassuring words sank in.

And for a little while, he didn't worry or feel jealous again.

But once hours began to pass by, he began to wonder what you and Seungmin could be up to for this long.

Neither of you has come out to say hi or grab a drink of water.

Jisung got up from the sofa with a sigh and left the room to make his way to Seungmin's room.

Slowly, he made his way down the hall and waited to hear something from either of you but you two were being pretty quiet and he couldn't hear your voices.

Once he appeared outside of Seungmin's room, he noticed the door was open a crack and he went to peek inside, only to hear the floor creak beneath his feet.

"Jisung, is that you?" Seungmin asked.

Your boyfriend pushed the door open a second later to see you and Seungmin sitting on the bed, staring at your phone screen.

His diary was also open and it was clear he'd been confiding in you about something he recently wrote because he quickly closed it upon seeing his friend walk in.

"Hey, baby." You grinned.

"Hey," Jisung said. "What are two doing?"

"We're watching YouTube videos and listening to some music." You answered before sitting up. "What about you?"

"Nothing. Haven't done much of anything for the last four hours since you got here. I've just been waiting to see you." He explained with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"I'll be right back." You told Seungmin before getting up and going to your boyfriend.

You gently grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall to his room before closing the door.

"Is everything okay?"

"No. I was so excited when you got here because I thought you were here to surprise me on my day off. But then you said you were here to see Seungmin and you were hanging out with him for so much longer than I first thought you would!" He said before sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Oh, I see." You smiled and sat down beside him, playfully elbowing his side. "Someone's jealous."

"I am not." He scoffed.

"Yes, you are." You giggled before sitting on his lap. "You're very jealous and I think it's sweet."

"You do?" He asked as he looked into your eyes. "Do I have something I should be jealous of?"

"No, but then again, most partners never do and they get jealous anyway. It's okay, baby. I know I must've caught you off guard by coming over to hang out with Seungmin and I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry time got away from us too. It's just that Seungmin and I bond so well because we have so much in common and he's a good friend."

"He is a good friend." Jisung agreed.

"You know how well you, Chan, and Changbin bond because you're all part of 3racha? Well, Seungmin and I have common interests too and sometimes we just like to hang out and talk and just be goofballs together. But just because he's a good friend doesn't mean I have feelings for him."

"I know." Jisung sighed before wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry for getting jealous. It's just that I love you a lot and I get a little protective sometimes. You're my girl." He pouted.

"I know I am. Seungmin also knows I'm your girl. He's not into me like that and I'm not into him either. He's just a friend. I don't want you to get jealous just because we're close."

"I won't. I trust you both." He promised.

"I love you so much. You have my heart, baby. No one else in this world stands a chance. You're the one I want to be with forever."

His eyes sparkled and he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"I want you forever too." He said before you looped your arms around his neck and kissed him.

He couldn't help but pull you closer and deepen the kiss a little before you pushed him onto his back, making him fall against his mattress.

He smiled against your lips and slipped his hand beneath your shirt, fingertips brushing along your soft skin.

Suddenly, the door opened, and you both jumped and looked to see who it was.

"Oh, sorry. I was just making sure everything was okay." Seungmin said.

Jisung nodded at him, a warm smile on his face.

"I know you were jealous and I'm sorry for stealing your girlfriend away for a while today. I just wanted to run some lyrics by her that I've been working on and hang out for a while."

"It's all good, no need to explain," Jisung assured. "Trust me, we're good. I promise."

"Good." Seungmin smiled. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing."

You laughed as he winked and closed the door.

Jisung pulled you in for another kiss and kept you close to him, never wanting to let you go.

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