An Interesting Day

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° An Interesting Day

Akashi frowned as he walked out of the shade and stepped into the outdoor basketball court. Last night, he had ordered his friends to all meet him at this specific spot. Well..
'Friends' as in the skittle head puppets.

Kagami and Aomine were doing a one on one as Kuroko read a book. Kise was texting? Maybe. Probably. Most likely.
Atsushi was eating snacks with Himuro nearby and Midorima was leaning against the fence reading a book..Takao close by and annoying him as per usual.

"Tetsuya. Ryōta. Kagami. Shintaro. Takao. Aomine. Atsushi. Tatsuya. Thank you for coming." The emperor said while gaining the attention of the others.

They gave him a sideways glance.

"Hello Akashi-kun. Why did you make us travel here?" Kuroko asked politely.

Akashi sighed and motioned for them to follow him.

He walked them to a nearby building, where talking privately would be easier.

"Aka-chin..why'd you make us come out?" Atsushi asked a bit annoyed.

The redhead looked at his former, and not former, teammates.

"I have an issue."

Kise dropped his jaw in shock.
"Akashi -cchi!?"

The said male looked at the blonde with a disturbing glare.

"Its not what you think..don't get carried away. There is..a girl."

"Oh! Is it Gumi?" Takao asked excitedly.

Akashi nodded.
"...her father and mine have a competition. However, yesterday, I witnessed her father throw her out of her house. No matter how hard, j cannot get her to tell me her past.. O course, you might call this worry on my half...however."
His eyes turned up with an insane look in them.

"I wouldn't take it that far. Its more along the lines of, how can I crush her. She refuses to attend classes, says rude things, doesn't study, and still makes good grades.."

Aomine quirked his brow with annoyance. "You called us out here because your love life has gone ruined? Tch..I thought this was about something serious."

The redhead smirked.
"No.. I wouldn't call it that. ...she's in danger. I have no experience with such a women."

Kise then spoke out.

"Shouldn't you just wait for her to open up?"

"You shouldn't rush women.." Himuro added.

Akashi shook his head
"To what she has said, she is what you call an assassin. Her life is in danger.. But...I can't put my finger on something.."

Atsushi yawned.
"This is boring... I'm leaving."

Akashi Gave him a feral smile.

"No your not. I've arranged for you all to be staying at my home for a week."

Kagami gagged.


Kuroko nodded his head as well.
"Plus, we all have practice." .

He grinned again.
"Its been taken care of already. No need for anything else."

Kise scooted to Aomine.
"..Aomine-cchi...he's gonna kill us."

Akashi let out a slightly annoyed sigh.

"Don't worry. Atsushi, Ryōta, Aomine, and Tatsuya.. I am having you stay with the girl."

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