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I am going to be completely honest with y'all right now: I am starting to like Yn. I have always liked her but I think I am starting to form feelings for her..

I fall asleep but I wake up to Yn having a nightmare. "C-Cedric please stop.." she mumbles. She is dreaming about.. oh my god. "Please stop, Im begging you.." I wake Yn up so she gets out of the dream and she starts crying and she hugs me tight. I lay down next to her and she puts her head on my chest and I rub her head and I give her a kiss on her hair. "It was h-happening all over again.." she says and cries. 

"It will not happen again Yn, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. You are safe with me." I say and she gives me a kiss on my cheek and I do the same thing. "Thank you so much Theo." she says. "So now its Theo?" I say and she laughs. Seeing her laugh always makes my day. I put one arm around Yn and the other one around Aella and we fall asleep.


I wake up to Aella crying. I look at my left side and Yn is asleep in my arms. I slowly let go of her and I grab Aella. I stand up and I smell that she peed so I lay her on the couch to clean her. I grab a diaper and replace it with her old one. Then I grab some clothes Yn and I bought for her yesterday and I put them on Aella. She finally stops crying and I grab a brush and I brush her hair and I try to put in 2 pigtails but I fail. I try it again and I fail again. Aliyah woke up and walks up to me and Aella. "I'll help you." she says and she puts 2 pigtails into Aella's hair. "Thank you." I say and Aliyah looks at me.

"Theodore I want you to be honest with me." she says. "About what?" I ask. "What do you think about Yn." she asks. "Uhm. She's nice." I say and I put Aella on my lap. "I meant like, do you like her." she asks. "Yes I do?" I say. "I dont mean in like a friend way." she says. "Oh, I uh- sorry this is a very awkward conversation." I say. Wesley wakes up and almost falls out of the bed but Blaise kept him from falling luckily. 

Aliyah stands up and grabs him from the bed. "I am going to give him a bath. Does anyone have baby shampoo?" She asks. "Yes, Yn and I bought some." I say and I throw her a bottle of baby shampoo and she catches it. Blaise puts his clothes on and so do I. Then I wake up Yn. "Yn, wake up. We are going to have breakfast." I say and she slowly wakes up. "Mommy! Come!" Aella says and Yn stands up and walks to the bathroom to put on her clothes and to do her hair. Someone knocks on the door so I open it and It is Lorenzo, Aylin and Maeve. Lorenzo and I dab each other up and we sit next to each other on the couch. 

"So what did you think of Aylin?" I ask Lorenzo. "I can't for this to over, I fucking hate her." he says. "Why?" I ask. "She's such a bitch dude. I can't explain you just have to experience her. And I hate to take care of that kid." He says. "Taking care of a toddler for a week isn't even that bad." I say. "Yeah it isn't bad when you have a well behaved kid and a bitch that listens to you when you tell her something because she's scared that you'll rape her or something." Lorenzo says. "What the fuck did you just say about Yn?" I say mad. "You heard me, why are you acting like this I-" I cut him of by hitting him and pulling him out of the room so the toddlers don't have to see this.

"AYO WHATS HAPPENING?!" Blaise yells and he runs after us. "Repeat what you just said." I say and Lorenzo looks scared. I hit him. "Repeat what you said." I say. "I said that Yn was a bitch that doe-" I hit him in his face and then someone pulls me away. Its Blaise. "What the fuck is happening?!" He says. "That motherfucker called yn a bitch that-" I get cut of by someone. "Hey guys- AYO WHAT HAPPENED?!" Its Draco. 

"I was just explaining what happened." I say and then I tell them what happened. "You motherfucker!" Draco yells and he walks over to Lorenzo but Blaise stops him. "Bro he isn't worth our time, just leave him here, lets go inside." Blaise says. "I can't go in with blood all over my hands, the toddlers will see it." I say. "Ill take everyone to the great hall, you go clean yourself up." He says.

Yn walks out of he room and sees me. "Oh my god what happened?" She says and she grabs my hands. "I fought Lorenzo. Its a long story." I say and she takes me inside (Everyone is gone). "Go sit on the couch." she says. 

I sit on the couch and she grabs a towel and cleans my hands. "Your knuckles are bleeding." she says and grabs her wand. "Episkey." She says and the wounds heal. "Let's go." She says and we walk out the door and I see Lorenzo sitting there. "Just don't let it let it happen again." she says. "Yes ma'am."

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