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We walk back to hogwarts, holding each others hands and it feels unbelievable. Like I can't believe that Yn is my girlfriend. We walk into the common room and we see everyone sitting there. "Hi guys!" Aylin says and I light up a cig. We sit down and everyone looks at us. "How'd go?" Blaise asks. "We are here for 1 second and already asking questions?" Yn says. "Just answer my question." Blaise says. "It went great and.." Yn says. "And...??" Aliyah says.

"And we got together." I say and everyone starts going crazyyy. I look down trying to hide my smile and Enzo hits my shoulder. "That is awesome guys, but we have to go o quidditch practice." Enzo says. "Oh, yeah I forgot. I'll see you guys later." I say, standing up to go to quidditch practice with Enzo.

"How does it feel to be a boyfriend?" Enzo asks jokingly. "Bro, we haven't even been boyfriend and girlfriend since an hour ago so I dont know. It does feel good to be referred to bf tbh.." I say. "What do you think of her friendgroup?" Enzo asks. "They're nice and we've been hanging out a lot recently so what do you think of them?" I ask him. "They are nice, but I don't like that girl Aylin." he says. "Why? Lorenzo also didn't like her." I say.

"She such a pick-me bro. Like, she knows that Aliyah and I are talking and she's flirting with me ,trying to get my attention." Enzo says. "So you and Aliyah huh?" I say. "We are talking about you and Yn right now, not me and Aliyah." Enzo says. "Just tell me." I say. He rolls his eyes. "She's just a side thing. I mean I do like her tho, but not in a way that makes me want to get with her, more in a regular hook-up thing." Enzo says. "Dayum."

We change into our quidditch clothes and walk to the quidditch field and grab our brooms. Enzo and I have firebolts. We train with our team, I am a chaser, Enzo a beater. After our training we walk to our dorms and I take a shower. I get out of the shower and I see Mattheo and Enzo laughing at me. "What?" I ask, confused. "You got a letter from Yn." They say and I grab the letter out of their hands, they already opened it.

"Astronomy tower after dinner?


I sit down at my desk and write her a letter back.

"Is that even a question? Ofcourse.

-Theo Nott"

I send the letter back and after Enzo gets out of the shower, we walk to the great hall to have dinner. We sit down and a few minutes after we sit down, Yn and her group walk towards us. She sits down next to me and I try not to smile when I see her but I can't help it. She talks to her friends and I look her up and down. I get to her thighs and I put my hand on her one of her thighs. Thighs are literally one of my biggest weaknesses. She looks at me and I can see her starting to blush. She looks so beautiful. 

After dinner I grab her hand and ask: "Should we go now?" "Yes." she answers and we walk to the astronomy tower. When we get there, I light up a cig. "How was practice?" she asks. "I went well, I was thinking about you." I say and she smiles. I look at her an pull her closer. "I am so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." I say and she juts her lip. "Your so sweet." she says and kisses me. "What the fuck Yn!" someone yells from behind.

We turn around and its my quidditch teammate, Adrian Pucey. "Why the fuck were you kissing Theodore Nott?" he asks walking up to us. "Why the fuck should you care?!" she says mad. I am confused. "Because- because I am still involve with you Yn!" he says. "Wait I am so confused, what do you mean 'still'?" I ask and I look at Yn. She sighs. "He is my ex, he cheated on me last year thats why I broke up with him." Yn says and Adrian scoffs. "I was drunk, and I told you that." Adrian says, rolling his eyes. "Adrian just leave." Yn says. "Not until you tell me why you are choosing him over me." Adrian says.

"Because he is my boyfriend! Can you leave now?" Yn ask annoyed. "Him? You go in a relationship with him? I- wow. He is a man whore, Yn." Adrian says. "Ayo, what did you call me?" I say mad and I walk up to him. "Theo-" he says but I cut him off. "Leave her alone or else I will deal with you." I say and he scoffs, walking away from us. 

"I am so sorry Theo I-" Yn says but I cut her off. "Dont worry about it, Yn." I say, lighting up another cigarette. "Can you please stop smoking that much, you had one 5 minutes ago." Yn says. "No I can't." I say, inhaling the smoke and kissing her so I can exhale the smoke in her mouth. We make out and my hands go up her dress. "Can I?" I ask and she says yes. I continue to  kiss her but I pull back when we hear footsteps. It is 10 minutes before curfew and McGonagall sees us. "10 minutes before curfew, make your way up to the common room." She says and we walk away.

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