valt x shu (part 2)

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Shu:he is the nicest vampire I've ever seen
Wakiya:what do you mean he you meet the other vampire?
Shu:mhm! I meet-
Silas:hey-wait isn't you're that human I lost early!
Wakiya:what do you mean by lost early!?
Shu:hes the another vampire that I told you about it!
Honcho:calm down Silas !
Kris:what happen here!?
Silas:he's the human that run away from me before I could drink his bloods
Kris:oh Silas,we need your help to send him at darkness kingdom
Silas: isn't they're sour enemy!?
Kris:yes, but he completely looked like the queen of the kingdom
Silas:like I want to
Kris:I take that as "yes"
Silas:wait what!? Ugh!
Silas:shut up !
After telling the plan
Kris:we should start now, take care of yourself
Valt:don't worry we will
Kris:and make sure shu get there safely or they maybe will-
Silas: yeah, I know don't have to say anymore, let's go freak!
Honcho:we're not a freak!
Daigo:let's go
Valt:wait for me!
They all arrived at the darkness kingdoms
Shu:woah,it's Evan more dark than vampire kingdoms
Suddenly a guard from the kingdom stop them
Guard: *raise their weapon*
Silas:calm down ² , we're not fight but to meet the king and queen of this kingdom
??:who are they?
Guard:they are from the vampire kingdom
??:w-wait,why does the white hair boy looks like our child?
Wakiya:that's why we're here
??:we should have a talk inside, come with me
They all follow the king and the queen inside and talk
King:can I ask something?
Shu:yes , your highness
King:can you tell me your full name ?
Shu:sure,my name is Shu kurenai
Queen:With who you live with?
Shu:by myself
King:do you remember anything about your parents?
Shu:no,but before they leave me they gave me this necklace, they say this thing will always protect me
Shu shows them the necklace that his parents gave him
Queen:MY SON!
The queen ran to his son and hugged him tight,then the king followed behind
Queen: finally after a year, I thought I'd never see you again!
King:thank you very much , what do you want for the reward?
Wakiya: don't have to
King:maybe we should get back together I mean ,vampires and witches can live together in harmony
Valt:your highness!
Valt:can I marry your son for the reward!
Queen: w-what!?
Valt:please I promise I will take care of your son
King:ok, then if that's what you want
King:but we need to talk to your parents first
Valt: of course your highness
Queen:we should talk to your parents later because now it's about to get morning you guys should get back first, we talk to you parents later
They leave shu with his family
Wakiya:Silas are you crying?
Silas:wait wh-what,no!
Honcho:oh come on just say that you're crying right after seeing shu reunited with his family
Silas:no,there's just something in my eye
They all get back safely
Kris:is everything ok?
Wakiya:yes ,they even say that we could get back together
Kris:grea to hear then
Valt:and I even get to marry him!
Kris:what do you mean by marry!?
Valt:they say they will meet my parents tomorrow
Kris:your lucky because your parents was the king and queen of this kingdom
Skip tomorrow
Shu's parents come to talk about the marriage
Chiaru:I can't believe it, valt really ask to marry you child! Not gonna lie but your son really look like an angel ,I also would be happy if married my son, he would be a good wife!
Kento: because everyone agree so I think we should start our wedding program
King:ok, then
After that they tell them they going to get married in 1 month
Valt:1 month!?
Chiharu:yes, is that okay?
Valt:no, why don't in 1 week!
Kento:to fast-
Valt: hahaha,I'm just kidding
Queen:so, that's mean you guys gonna get married in 1 month

Shu:and.. that's how me and your daddy met!
Shalt:woah, dad ask to marry you at the fist meet!?
Valt:yes! Because I can't stand with your mother beauty~
Queen:looks who here!
Shalt: Grandma!
Chiharu:do you miss your grandma?
King:so you don't miss your two grandpa?
Shalt:of course ! I love my family so much
And they live happily together forever
Finally this chapter is done and I can start writing the other chapter, and thank you so much for reading my book! Bye!

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