Part 16: The Package

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Izuku yawned as he woke up to the sun in his face, he groaned and turned putting his face into the crook of Aizawa's neck. He didn't want to get up. Eri peeked into the room holding Aizawa's capture weapon in her hands as she walked over to the bed and pulled her small body onto the mattress. Climbing over she shook Izuku's shoulder as Aizawa snored a bit, under his chin was Izuku who was laying on his outstretched arm and both were covered in the warm blanket. "Papa, daddy" she called shaking his shoulder again, Aizawa was the first to open his eyes, "Morning Eri" since he just woke up, his voice was groggy. "Daddy, Papa, wake up" his eyes now more awake blinked, he was aware she called Izuku Papa after yesterday but when did she start calling him Dad? Izuku blinked away the sleepiness as he turned to face Eri, "Morning, let me sleep 'bit more..." he once again dozed off. "Come on, get up" he denied snuggling back into the warmth under the blanket. "Izuku, come on, time to get up it's already 10:30" he was still tired, nope. He ain't getting up right now. "Papa, I'm hungry" he whined, he can't let her go hungry. He begrudgingly sat up wiping his eyes of sleep, "Come on" she smiled scooting to the edge and hopping off the bed as Izuku moved the blanket and scooted off the bed himself, Aizawa just flopped himself in the bed again arm over his eyes. 

He yawned and just layed there but decided to get up after 5 minutes to his thoughts for some coffee, Izuku set Eri on the counter her still holding the scarf and began to make some breakfast so why not make some for everyone. He made some coffee and set one aside for Aizawa, everyone began waking up and filing into the lobby, "Oh Bunny~" he turned to see the girls all giddy and having the sneaky smirk on their faces, "What did something interesting happen?" he gave Eri a small plate of some curry and a glass of apple juice, "Oh, we just saw Bakugo leave Kirishima's room with him, in night clothes may I say," he blinked, "Really? If he bottoms to the red head you all pay me 50 bucks" he cackled, "Who pays who 50 bucks?" Aizawa walked in, clear bed head as Izuku handed him the extra coffee he set aside taking his own and bringing it to his lips, "Oh, just Katsuki leaving Kirishima's room" he snickered, "You made a bet on Bakugo?" he asked as Izuku and the girls nodded, Eri kicked her legs happily eating her food and drinking her apple juice, "We did, after they told me some interesting stories that he didn't bother bringing up to me whenever he visited" he shrugged making plates with even servings and handing them out, setting a plate aside for himself, "Hey, Bakugo's been saying something about you having a one night stand" he jerked, and Aizawa choked on his coffee, "What?!" they yelled, "You didn't know? Anytime we tease him about Kirishima, he always fires back about some one night stand you had before you got here" was Katsuki literally outting him?! "I am never telling Katsuki anything about my private life again" he face palmed, "I think daddy is whoever you're talking about" Eri voiced as everyone looked at her, Eri please don't out them. 

"Who's your daddy, Eri?" Uraraka asked as she pointed to Aizawa, "Mr. Aizawa?!" they shrieked as the trio winced, "How did you even figure that out?" he asked her clearly voicing how he did not want that to be announced, "Your always together and I overheard you two talking about it, I'm sorry" she eavesdropped by accident, "Wait so what she's saying is true?" Mina asked dumbfounded, "Well great, we're fucked" Aizawa deadpanned and drank his coffee that he hopefully wasn't about to choke on again, "Can I murder you now? It'll save me the embarrassment that I got outted to sleeping with Class A's teacher before I was captured" he said, "It would do nothing because a thing about the girls, they like to gossip" "Sure to hell we do Mr. Aizawa!" Mina laughed as the girls went to find the boys, "Eri, don't touch the stove, I will be right back" he told her before running after the girls, "Don't you dare say anything to them!" he yelled out of sight as the girls just laughed again, Eri and Aizawa looked at each other, "It's normal by now" he told her refilling his coffee. 

The heard yelling not far off and Aizawa had a pretty good idea who the one yelling was, he sighed turned off the stove and set down his coffee, walking to the fridge and refilling her apple juice then putting her on his hips and followed the sound of the yelling with his scar trailing behind him. "No, no, no, he did not know it was me before then!" he denied, "But you admit it was actually him? Oh my god, it makes so much sense" Katsuki just laughed at the irony, "It does not! So, what if I did, he was drunk most of the time anyway" he crossed his arms like he wasn't also at fault for that, "Actually is was back and forth, most times we were both drunk" Izuku glared, "Don't feed into it, they do not need to know" "Izuku, we got outted by a five year old and last time I checked, you outted yourself last time it was just me and the cat" he had no argument or defense since it was true. Toru meowed as if confirming, "The betrayal, Toru" he waved his tail while looking at him with a small looking smirk. "I can't believe my own cat rats me out" Toru meowed, "Pampered brat" his tongue stuck out challenging, and Izuku flipped him off. 

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