♱ Numbers ♱

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"I'll make some money, and I'll go on tour so I  don't have to go to school anymore. Things just really aren't that bad. I got a nice mom, and I got a cool dad. I just stay in my room too long but I finally got a boyfriend and he's the bomb.."

It's been a few months since we came back. Bill and I have been inseparable ever since we were always together for everything.

Life was great. I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I looked down to see Bill laying on my chest wrapping his arms around me. I looked at the time 1:00 pm "bill, bill wake up" he groaned not wanting to wake up.

"Come on wake up" I moved him a bit I grabbed my phone that was charging on the desk next to my bed I saw some messages jaesen

Jaesen: wake ur ass up man it's late

Jaesen: ur going to be late

I turned off my phone and tried waking him up again "bill you have to wake up" he finally looked up at me "I don't want to leave yet" he dug his head on my chest again.

I started to play with his hair "I know but its late already and I got to go"  he nodded his head slowly getting up

                               Time skip 🙈

Bill dropped me off at the studio where I was supposed to meet me and Jaesens music producer.

We came out with new songs over the month.

Kingston- Faye Webster

By Your Side- Flatsound

But Not Kiss- Faye Webster

Kiss Me- Sixpence None The Richer

Bill had helped me with some song lyrics. It was nice we weren't really together. I didn't know what we were. He had sent some signals which made me confused. I didn't know if he actually meant it or not.

I still liked him even if he was with other guys calling them his boyfriend or flirting with them.

It genuinely hurt but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't or I'd ruin everything between us. I was texting Bill and he wasn't answering. I sighed as I got busy talking about ideas and writing lyrics with Jaesen.

Time was passing by quickly. I was tired. I was resting my head on the table as I was asleep drool came out my mouth and my snores filled the air.

I got startled when Jaesen shook me "hey man they're closing the production studio let's go" i didn't say anything but nod my head slowly looking around, the studio was dimly lit I got up stretching my arms.

I yawned as I packed up my things. My movements were slow and sluggish. I met Jaesen at the door walking out the studio to my car.

My body swayed under the light of the sundown. I unlocked the car, opening the drivers side. The rest was a blur. I got home safely and Bill was nowhere to be seen.

Jaesen was in his room. I was in the living room. I woke up on the couch. Abby was eating some cereal watching tv. On the other couch "sleeping beauty's finally awake" she mumbled her mouth full of cereal.

I groaned while sitting up stretching my legs "what time is it?" I asked looking over at the clock '10:37' it read I looked over at Abby "Tom was looking for you" she ate her cereal "why so late at night?" Abby looked at me "it's morning" she set her cereal bowl down walking to the window opening the curtains.

"Jesus fucking Christ" I covered my eyes the harsh sunlight burning my eyes "why was he looking for me?" I got up walking to the kitchen. Abby just shrugged her shoulders, continuing to eat her cereal.

I sighed walking up to my room. I grabbed my towel and kicked off my shoes entering the bathroom.

   Time skip because I'm trying to finish this.

I finished showering and changed into blue baggy jeans with a green and white striped shirt with a black sweater with a logo on it.

I was on the couch eating cereal when someone knocked on the door. I let Jaesen open it "Hey y/n it's for you" i thought it was a package. Just bring it in "I mumbled my gaze was glued to the tv.

"Y/n get your ass over here" Jaesen raised his voice slightly. I put my cereal bowl down. I looked over at the door and saw a bill with a basket, a bunch of balloons and a big hello kitty with a heart in the middle.

My eyes widened and my eyes roamed over everything he had. I slowly hesitantly walked over to him not knowing how to react.

Jaesen moved out the way going to his room while Abby went to the bathroom peeling through the crack of the door.

"What's all this?" I asked, finally reaching the door, Bill looked at me nervously "so" he cleared his throat "y/n here this is for you" he handed me all the stuff I admired the last thing he gave me it was the hello kitty plush "thanks but why?" I was a bit scared.

"Y/n I have loved you for years I'm glad we could overcome everything I've done to you and you've made me a better person so I wanted to ask you" he looked away taking a deep breath "I love you i always have will you be my boyfriend?" he blurted out quietly.

My heart swelled with joy at his words "what really?" I said still in disbelief Bill eagerly nodded his head "of course" he smiled trying to hold back his tears.

I jumped into his arms "yes I'll be your boyfriend" I yelled that even the neighbors heard I pulled away to look into his eyes before kissing him numerous of times.

At that moment nothing else mattered but us the world had stopped spinning nothing mattered as time stopped my grip around him tightened not wanting to let go making sure he wouldn't disappear and I knew I had fallen for My Favorite Enemy.

A/N: This finally came to a happy end with y/n and bill dating :p Sorry for disappearing for a few months and sorry if the ending isn't what you expected I haven't written in months so 😭

My Favorite Enemy | bill kaulitz x male reader ✧.*Where stories live. Discover now