chapter 27. Restless night.

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Tubbo's POV*

We walked home after it was over and went to bed after changing into more comfy clothes. I was tired and almost fell asleep instantly when I hit the bed.

"Ranboo.. Come here!" I whined. I made grabby hands as I reached out for him. He laid down and I immediately hugged his neck as he held onto me. "Mine!" I said in a clingy voice before placing a few kisses in his soft and fluffy hair.

"I know this already bee.. Just go to sleep." He said as he closed his eyes. "Ok." I said. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, it was like one of those things where you are way too tired to actually go to sleep.

So instead I listened to his snores as I ran my fingers through his hair. "What if I annoy him by doing this? I mean, I don't think I am but what if I do?" I don't want to lose him he's too important to me, and maybe that's a bad thing.

I know that he's gonna leave sooner or later and I didn't want to get so attached so quickly but it's me, I know what will happen. I'll get attached and when they make sure that I'm really attached one day they'll leave just to play with my heart.

I should be used to this by now.. My eyes began to water just thinking about it, why am I so sensitive? I guess I'm just weak, maybe my dad was right about me.. I am a disappointment.

My eyes grew more tired but I just couldn't fall asleep when I wanted to. "You fucking.. Selfish asshole...!" Ranboo muttered. "I know." I said. My eyes began to water but I quickly blinked them away.

I closed my eyes trying to go to sleep. "I love you..." He muttered again. "I love you too." I said before kissing his hair. I fell asleep only to wake up another hour or so later.

I got frustrated with myself and dug my face into Ranboo's hair causing him to wake up. "Mmmmhh wha-..." "Shh go back to sleep, everything's fine." I said in an annoyed voice.

"Why do you- sound so angry..?" He yawned. "Because I can't go to sleep!" I said still annoyed with myself. "Maybe it will help if you slid down a bit? I mean you have your entire upper back on the pillow." He said.

"I don't need to-" Before I could even Finish my sentence he pulled me into his arms as he got up for a second. He dropped me onto the bed and laid back down and pulled me into his arms once more.

"More comfy now?" He asked. I nodded getting a little more tired. He tangled our legs and wrapped his tail around my lower back. "My honeybee.." He said. I smiled at the nickname.

I fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.

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