first year problems

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Harry's POV:

We are at the top of these staircases and this boy comes up to me saying 'you must be harry Potter, I'm draco, draco malfoy' he held his hand out to me, but then he looks at Ron and says the most disgusting things to him.

'Careful potter you don't want to be making friends with the wrong sorts' I look him in the eyes, they do look pretty but I can't he made fun of Ron. 'I think I can sort them out for myself thanks'


That was 2 years ago and I'm now in third year and malfoy is as annoying as ever. 'Hey potter is it true you fainted?' He and his friends laughed.

'Shove off malfoy!' Ron said turning around 'I swear I'm going to kick him in is sorry ass guys' he says hitting his head on the table.

But little did they know that I like draco ever since the first day I met him his eyes so beautiful, his hair this year doesn't seem to have any gel in it. Which makes it look so soft... but nobody knows I like him and sadly no one will because he would never like me back.

Someone has been sending me love letters I think its sweet but I've only got my eyes on one man. Draco Malfoy.

'HARRY!' Hermione yells snapping her fingers in my face 'it's time to eat you look like a stick' she gave me this look that Mrs.weasly gives me when I say I'm not hungry so I just eat when they say because Hermione will make me do so much studying.

I give her a smile then grabbed some food to put on my plate 'I need to talk to you guys, Sirius black is wanting to kill me' I say poking at my food 'but I'll be okay like Dumbledore says we are safe' I look up to see mortified looks on their faces.

'You know what I'm actually quite tired um good night guys' I get up because I feel more than my friends eyes on me they try to stop me but when I get into the hall behind the door someone drags me into a broom closet but covers my eyes.

'Hey what's all this about!?' They don't say anything except shoving a letter in my hand and kissing me on the cheek. I'm not able to see who it was all I know is it was another boy and he smelled of green apples.

I get to my dorm and thankfully nobody is there to snoop. I opened the letter and it reads.

I am sorry for what happened on the train harry I hope you are alright
If you are to write back then take your letter to the same spot I gave you mine.
I am sorry that I can't allow you to know who I am but I will give you
Your first clue is I am a slytherin boy in your year.

Love, your future husband  ♡

Hm I guess I could write back to him. He called me his future husband. I blushed, sadly Ron and the other boys were just standing there watching me 'oi harry, so who is she?' Ron asks crossing his arms trying not to laugh. 'Its a he, and I have no idea who it is' the boys look at me in shock.

'What? Haven't I told you that I'm bisexual?' I tilt my head 'but anyways he also says he's in our year, and a slytherin' 'A SLYTHERIN!?' They all yell, Ron stomps over and snatches the letter.

'Hey you prat give that back' I lunged at him but the boys stopped me 'Ron seriously this is low even for you!' I try again and snatched it back running out crying. To make it better once I make it out of the common room and down to the first floor I bump into draco!

'Hey! Watch it- harry?' I look up at him all I could do was run away, but before I even get five feet away he grabs me. ' potter' he grabs my chin 'what's wrong my l-'

I suddenly wake having fallen asleep whilst writing a reply. God that felt to real...

I hope that yall find this pleasant
       Thx for reading weirdos

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