silly secrets

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Harry looks behind him and smiles. 'you came' he looks like he was ready to leave scared that Draco wouldn't show but he did.

'Of course I did potter. Why wouldn't I?' the question seemed to make Harry look kind of sad and Draco can't have that. So he grabs Harry and hugs him.

Harry looks Draco in the eyes and says. 'im honestly surprised that you came. I thought you were just messing with me and I hoped that you felt the same way' he has tears in his eyes.

This hurts Draco more than hearing how disappointed his father is of him all the time. Seeing Harry in pain makes him want to destroy whatever makes him so sad.

'ill be anywhere you need me Harry' shocked of what Draco says he just smiles. 'i guess not even Draco malfoy can resist me?' Harry giggles. That sound gives Draco a sense of pride knowing he was the cause of it. 'i guess so potter'


Draco and Harry spend time talking about school and their friends, but they both ignore talking about their families. 'so Draco I was thinking and maybe we can become friends? I like you like um like like but I think we should try being friends first and not rush things'

Harry starts picking at his nails waiting for a response so nervous for something rude or heartbreaking. 'i think that is a good idea Harry. But we still got to keep up appearances because if anyone found out there will be to many questions.'

They both look really relieved that the other agrees, so Harry gets up from where he was sitting and looks down at Draco.

He gets up aswell and notices that he's a few inches taller than Harry which makes him smile. Harry hold out his hand, 'okay let's shake on it and no hard feelings for when we insult each other?' Draco shakes his hand 'i agree potter'

'i should um get back to my dorm otherwise ron and Hermione will scream at me for going "missing" so um see you tomorrow then' Harry smiles and leaves faster than Draco would have liked.

He would have liked that they kissed but he could wait as long as possible for him it doesn't matter.


Okay sorry it's been forever I just had to get something out and I'm working on all three of my unfinished works so sorry it's so short I just have other ideas that need to be put in the next chapter

thx for reading and pleaseeeee comment what you'd like to see

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