him and his pratness

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Dracos POV:

After giving harry the letter last night I've been worrying if he'd reply. So since we have hagrids class today I've gotta keep up appearances of not being totally in love with him.

'Hey potter is it true that you got yourself a secret admirer?' I chuckle. 'And so what if I do? Why do you care? Hate that you don't have one?' He says getting closer but when he says the last statement he looks pained to say it.

I step up to him and say 'well Potter i think i do. And i know you know who it is' he blushes it's to light for anyone else to see though. 'I don't think I do malfoy care to tell?' He says looking me in the eyes.

I bend down to his ear and say 'I know you like me Potter you can't hide it' he looks at me in disgust but I know its just for show so I decided to do something about it 'dementor, dementor!' I say running back to my friends putting my hood on as harry looks behind himself scared.

When he looks back at me my friends put our hands in front of ourselves and go 'woohoo' he looks upset but the giant has to come and interrupt my fun.

'Alright everyone gather around I want you all to meet buckbeak' everyone gasps in shock Potter just stands there all stupid looking 'don't worry he wont hurt anyone, now let's get a volunteer. Hmm harry you first!' He looks horrified but weasley shoves him forward.

'Okay harry approach him very slowly...now bow and wait for him to bow back' everyone waits in anticipation as the giant bird bows to him as it should everyone should bow to him in my opinion.

But then hagrid grabs harry and throws him on the giant bird. And sends harry and the bird up in the air. 10 minutes later harry comes back with a giant smile on his face. I can't control my self and stomp over to that giant thing and insult it but it scratches me.

I wake up later in the hospital. With the slytherins all around me. 'What are you looking at go away!' I yell at them I hate when they act like they care but I didn't expect to see harry in the crowd but he was holding a note. He walks close to me and gives me the note with a small smile then walks away.

I opened the note to see a letter, I guess he found out.

Hello draco I I'm writing this while you are in the hospital and well
You are terrible at keeping
Secrets. But if you wish to keep
Us a secret we can meet in the astronomy Tower at 9:00 tonight
And if you don't wish to come then I will wait until 9:30 for you

Your, husband ♡

It is currently 8:30 so I hope I can make it in time...

I'm currently running up the stairs to the tower because who wouldn't want to have a chance to snog Potter. When I get to the Tower I notice him sitting on the ledge. 'Careful Potter don't want you to fall that far for me'

What yall think gon happen next?
  Well thx for reading by weirdos

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