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When I open my eyes I am surrounded by death.

The stench of death and blood clings to the air.

Corpses litter the floor.

And the most disturbing thing is the bloody knife that I have clutched in my hand. I throw it away from me and it clatters to the blood-soaked floor about 3 feet away from me.

What happened? I go back through my night as I sit up, my clothes cling to me caked in dried blood.

My night was normal, I had gone to my parents for dinner, did a bit of grocery shopping then went back to my apartment. Everything else panned out like normal, I tied up loose ends around the house then went to bed.

So how the hell did I end up in a warehouse surrounded by bodies.

"Don't tell me you don't remember?" A gravelly voice says, I jump and look around.

"H-hello, wh-who's there?" I ask, my whole body quivering.

"I'm hurt, I'd say this was my best work yet and for you not to remember. That really hurts McKayla," This causes my pulse to spike, I whip around and start running towards the giant doors on the other side of the warehouse.

"How quaint. The Imhilee thinks it can escape me! Little does it know that since it invited me in, I am going to forever be here!" The voice sounds amused.

I keep running, this is just a joke someone is putting on right, it has to be. I get to the doors and fight to get them open, I am barely able to get them open far enough for me to fit but now I am standing in the warehouse district of my city. I start running again trying to put as much distance between me and the horrible warehouse as possible.

"Where are we going now, to find more victims?" The voice asks, echoing through my head.

"Go away! You're supposed to be an illusion. Go away!"

"I don't like repeating myself sweetheart so I suggest you listen well this time. I am you, you invited me in. So unless you want to kill yourself off in the process you're stuck with me! So get comfortable, it's going to be a bumpy ride!"

I'm not quite sure what happened next, it was almost like I took the passenger seat in a car. I could still see what was going on but I couldn't control anything. I tried to fight to get back into the driver's seat but anything I tried failed. I watched as my body made its way out of the district and back into a more populated area.

My body slows back down as I enter the shopping district, the people out shopping turn and stare as I make my way through the streets.

"Lya! Oh, Lya thank the Gods!"

The world tips slightly then I'm back in control of my body as I turn to face the person who called my name.

"Lacie!" I call. I can't stop the smile that etches across my face at the sound of her soothing Irish accent.

She collides with me wrapping me in a suffocatingly tight hug, then all of a sudden I am being held at arm's length.

"What happened to you? Why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt? Do we need a hospital? I need to call your parents; no you should. You call them, I'll call Genna and Eric," All of the questions are making my head swim.

"Woah, woah. Slow down El. How did you guys know I was gone, it's only been a day max,"

"No. Lya. It's been a week and a half..." Her eyes are worried, "Maybe I should get you to a doctor,"

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