Captain Whiteskull

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 "I want them stowaways found yesterday! No one rides fer free around 'ere. Ye ride ye pay with gold or yer life!" I call, stabbing the fishing knife into the wooden table my crew had gathered around.

"Ye got it, Cap'n!" My crew calls back.

I stand up straight as they all scurry out of the room like roaches scatter away from my boot. My right hand is next to me; her white shirt is turning yellow from years of wearing it under the scorching sun. Her black hair is braided and tucked neatly under the pirate's hat. She wears a hat with a giant black feather, and her thick leather belt holds a canteen, her sword, and a beaded charm.

"They'll get them, Cap'n," She says, pulling on her leather jacket littered with military medals, a glittering reminder of her time serving this country.

"They better, or it be their 'eads on the choppin' block tonight," I growl drumming my fingers on the table. "An' Nareen, find which one o' me lads been supposed to be on watchman's duty while we was docked an' 'ave 'im come to me private quarters at 15 'undred 'ours," I say.

"Aye, Cap'n," She says, bowing before leaving the room.

I glare at the wall for a few seconds, rage boiling in my stomach and coursing through my veins. I throw open the door, startling someone; I don't care to notice who. I let out a low whistle, and a shadow swoops down from the crow's nest high above me and lands on my shoulder, claws digging into the leather jacket.

Her large tail wraps behind my neck, holding her in place as I walk briskly into my private quarters to await the lad who left his post.

As I walk in, I hang my hat on the peg by my door; I shake my head, letting my brown hair fall back into place. Meredith, my beautiful Black Highland dragon, rumbles quietly from her place on my shoulder. I scratch her chin, sitting at my desk, crossing off another quadrant on the map.

I let myself get lost in charting while waiting for the traitor to show up.

A knock comes at my door at 15:05. The anger that had calmed down flares up again as I check the clock on my desk. I stood scarring Meredith awake; I threw open the door and saw Tails, one of the newest hands on my ship, standing there as if he saw Davy Johns himself.

"Not only can ye not 'old yer post right while we be at shore ye also can't be bothered to arrive at the time yer Cap'n ordered ye to! 'ow useless can ye be Tails!" I shout, grabbing the lad by his arm and pulling him into my quarters.

"I be sorry Cap'n, I did not mea-" He starts a stuttering apology before coming to a halt when he sees the dragon perched on my shoulder.

"That be right lad, most gentlemen o' fortune 'ave parrots sittin' on their shoulders, but I. I 'ave a dragon, one o' the most feared beasts o' the land. What do ye think that there says about me," I say, stepping closer to the cowering boy.

He gulps, his brown eyes filled with fear, good.

"Now lad, let me tell ye about the first an' only rule o' me ship. No one rides fer free! Anyone who comes onto me ship pays in one o' three ways: labor, gold, or their life. Ye lad, pay in labor workin' fer me day in an' day out. 'owever, if ye don't tell me why ye left yer post three days ago, ye'll be switchin' yer form o' payment to life. Because ye let people onto me ship that there could put all o' our lives at risk, ye better start blabberin'" I say leveling my gaze at him.

"I be sorry Cap'n, I should 'ave ne'er left me post but Cap'n. The lasses was lookin' a might to jolly to pass by," He says.

My jaw clenches and I take the fabric of his shirt in my fist pushing him onto his knees.

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