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March 4th, 2022

Gwen was in the car with everyone else, on the way to the airport. Grunk had to go home due to  his family wanting him home. Grunk was up in the middle seats next to Gwen while Larry, Tanner and Blake were in the back. Nick was driving and Isaac next to Nick. The car went into park and everyone piled out. Isaac filmed as they all said bye to Grunk. Grunk gave everyone a hug then it was Gwen's turn. She gave Grunk a big squeezing hug and let go. 

"I'll miss you Gwen, I hope to see you again" Grunk said. Gwen nodded. 

"I'll see you again Grunk, don't you worry" Grunk laughed and waved bye as he walked into the airport. Everyone got in the car and Isaac started filming Nick. 

"What are we doing today?" He asked. 

"So right now we're going to meet someone named Mr. Grizzy." Nick said. Gwen was told before hand what they were doing so, Gwen was in her gym clothes. It was a tight purple sports bra with black leggings. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had no makeup on. Nick had her wear his hoodie for the time not being in the gym. Gwen agreed, understanding where he was coming from. Nick showed up at Grizzy's and Grizzy got in the car. 

"Grizzy, the girl in the back is my friend, Gwen. Gwen, the new guy is Grizzy" Nick said. Grizzy turned around shook Gwen's hand. 

"It's good to meet you" Gwen said and Grizzy nodded. 

"Right back atcha" Grizzy turned around and Nick started driving to the gym. It was quiet for most of the ride till Blake yelled something out.  

"I have a boner" Isaac turned the camera to Blake real quick and zoomed in on his crotch. "It's hidden by the water bottle." 

"What?" Isaac said. 

"It's in the water bottle" Blake said. The car pulled up to the gym and everyone got out. Nick started filming as they walked in. 

"Dude, what the fuck is this gym?" Nick said as he filmed the store in the entrance of the gym. "Is this like an actual store?" Gwen followed Grizzy and he went to a section of the gym. He set down his bag and everyone else walked over. Gwen took off her hoodie and went to find a treadmill. She walked over to one and set the speed to 10 mph. She started a light jog and someone got on the machine next to her. She turned to see it was Blake. She smiled to herself and continued her jog. She looked over to where the rest of the guys were and saw Tanner shaking his ass and Nick filming it. After about 20 minutes, Gwen got off of the treadmill and walked back over to the group. She got some weights and started doing some reverse lunges. She saw Larry leave and Isaac and Tanner followed after him. Larry started lifting some weights, then Isaac went. Grizzy went last and over topped everyone. Gwen put the small weights away and sat down. Gwen could feel someone sit next to her and she turned to see a random guy sitting on the bench with her.

"You did pretty good out there sweetcheeks" Gwen chuckled nervously and nodded. "How about you pop some squats for me yeah?" Gwen looked behind her to see Blake looking at her confused. She made wide eyes at him as a sign and he got the hint. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Gwen. 

"There you are, oh," Blake said as he looked at the guy. "Who is this?" 

"I'm Josh, who are you?" The dude said. 

"I'm Blake, why are you over here talking to my girl?" Gwen blushed as he said that. 

"I'm sure she would want someone like me you know? With muscles and better looks" Josh said with a smirk. 

"Well, she's already taken so get lost" Blake said. Josh sighed and got up. He was about to hit Blake when Nick walked over. 

"What's going on over here?" he said. Josh dropped his hand upon seeing Grizzy, Nick, Isaac and Tanner. He quickly walked away and Gwen let out a sigh of relief. Nick went over to Gwen. "Are you ok?" 

"Yeah, just people being weird and gross you know" Nick nodded and everyone decided it would be best to leave now. Everyone grabbed everything they had brought and headed back to the house to get ready for the bowling night they had planned. 


Once at the bowling alley, Gwen got everyone shoe sizes and got everyone's shoes. Nick was putting everyone's names in the system while everyone was picking out balls for themselves. Gwen put on her shoes and Blake walked over with two balls. He handed the red one to Gwen and Gwen smiled. 

"Thank you Blakie" Gwen said as she put the ball on the belt. Soon everyone was ready and the game started. The order was Isaac, Gwen, Nick, Grizzy, PulseFire, Tanner, Larry, and then Blake. It was PulseFire's turn now and he put a ball on the start line of the lane. He turned to the camera. 

"I call this one the double doozie" He then rolled the ball in his hand to the ball on the lane. It failed horribly. Gwen chuckled and looked at the scoreboard. It was bowl 4 right now and Gwen was already ahead of everyone. 

"How is Gwen so good at bowling?" Larry said. 

"Yeah, why can't you be good at something more important?" Tanner joked. 

"Starting to sound like my family there Tanner" Gwen joked. Larry and Tanner laughed. Larry left to go get drinks for himself and Tanner. He came back and Gwen filmed him dancing with the drinks in his hand. The guys all tried different methods of bowling. PulseFire tried shooting it like a basketball. Isaac bowled his between his legs. Larry did the griddy while bowling.  It was now the final bowl and Isaac was catching up close to Gwen. He would need to bowl three strikes to win. Isaac threw the ball and got a strike. Two more and its game over basically. He bowls again and gets a strike. 

"I'm about to win Gwen" Isaac said, dragging out 'Gwen'. He bowled and only got 9 pins. Gwen smiled and Isaac glared at Gwen. Gwen went up and grabbed the ball. She bowled the three times and got a strike then a spare. Everyone else bowled and Gwen ended up winning. Everyone said bye to PulseFire as they all got in the car. Isaac was driving down to Grizzy's house to drop him off. Once there, everyone got out to walk Grizzy up to his house. It was storming and Blake decided it would be fun to start yelling. 

"Where's stormchase-?! Where's stormchasers?!" He yelled as Isaac and Gwen laughed. "There's a tornado!" Nick then turned the camera to Grizzy who was walking calmly. 

"Why are you walking?" Nick said. 

"My fatass ain't running" Everyone laughed and Grizzy walked into his house. Getting back to the car, Tanner was behind the car on the floor. Nick said how he was gonna run over Tanner and everyone got in the car after that. 

"There's pine needles in my eyes!" Isaac complained. 

"Guys, I left my wallet inside" Nick said as he turned the camera around. "Made ya look" Isaac did a fake ass laugh as did Nick. Everyone calmed down and Nick started to drive back home. Once home, Everyone went to their separate rooms. Gwen did her nightly routine and laid down. She thought about today and when Blake had to act as her boyfriend. She really liked that. It was nice to think for a moment that Blake liked her like that. God, I'm delusional Gwen thought. She tried to rid her mind of all thoughts of Blake but ended up falling asleep to the thought of her asking him out. 

an yay new chapter. hope you all enjoyed and make sure to vote as it helps out. thanks, and have a great day/night. :)

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