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"I am so glad I get to spend this week with you before I get back."

Lando said, rubbing the girl's back. Isabella smiled to herself and looked up, planting a kiss on his lips. The guy smiled and kissed her back,  his hands going through three girl's hair.

"Your birthday's almost here, do you have any idea what to do?" He asked, pulling away. Isabella shrugged her shoulders, resting herself on him, "It'll be race weekend, I just hope you win," she chuckled.

Lando nodded, giving her a kiss on the girl's head, "An amazing gift that would be," He murmured on the girl hair.

"Ugh, such an amazing present."

The guy rolled his eyes jokingly before moving his girlfriend away from him. "I have an idea." He smiled cheekily. Isabella narrowed his eyes at him and pushed her lips, sitting up, "And what's that?" She asked.

"Let's spent our week on the yacht, you, me and our friends." He said smiling, taking out his phone, "On who's yacht?" Isabella asked.


Hey mate
Are you here in Monaco?

Charlie boy
Yes, why are you asking?

How about we all hang out tomorrow morning on your yacht

Charlie boy
Did you seriously just talk to me so I can let you borrow my yacht?

Uuhhh yeah...
Aurora's going to be there

"Oh no, Aurora will die before going to the same place as  Charles." Isabella said, taking Lando's phone from him. The guy took the phone back and slapped her hand away, "I' just telling him that so he agrees, dummy."

Charlie boy
What time?
Should I invite the others?

Oh yeah
I was thinking of inviting Pierre Dani Carlos George and Alex (and their girlfriends)
Oh and also Senna, she's begging me to invite her somewhere  with Isabella

"Oh my Gosh, I love Senna," Isabella happily squealed, "Yeah, babe, she loves you."

Charlie boy
Senna really?

She's one of my best friends
Deal with it
So are you in?

Charlie boy
Are you sure Rory's going to be there?

I think so yeah

Charlie boy
Then yeah, let's do it

"Invite her, just don't tell her he's going to be there." Lando said as he put his phone down. Isabella looked at him, tapping her fingers on her lap, "They had a big fight, Lando. I don't think she's in the right state to see him, he'll definitely try to talk to her."

The guy placed his arms around his girl and lied down on the bed, "But tomorrow is not going to be about them. It's about you, I'm sure Aurora will understand that." He planted a kiss on the girl's head.

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