The wedding was closer, and Aurora wanted for her best friend to have the best bachelorette party. So she planned a party Isabella had been dreaming of since she was a little baby.
A princess themed party.
But not like any other princess themed parties. This was in a real castle, with real dresses. Aurora, of course, asked Lando for money, actually, she didn't even have to ask. Lando lent her his credit card, he wanted his fiancée to have the best time of her life.
So of course Aurora used it.
Only girls were invited, those included: Olive, Avery, Florence and a few other old friends.
The palace was prettier that it was before, she had decorated with golden and soft blue. Her favorite colors, or at least mix of colors.
Isabella did not know anything of what Aurora was planning, that worried her. But she was excited when she saw the palace entrance.
"Did your rent a room!?" She exclaimed, turning to her best friend. Aurora snorted, "oh, honey. I rented the whole palace."
Isabella froze for a moment before screaming and throwing herself on her, making both of them fall to the floor. She started giving her kisses all over the face.
"Is that your way of saying thank you?" Aurora asked.
"I love you."
"I know."
On the other hand, Charles had rented a big private yacht for Lando's friends, he invited his formula one friends and his normal ones. Oh, and Mason.
Lando walked into the private yacht, amazed by how big it was. Sure, he had gone to a few events in one of these, but this was for his bachelorette party.
He smiled happily as Max and Mason approached him.
"You happy?" Mason asked with a smile.
"Mate, this is freaking amazing." He grinned, hugging them. He pulled away and dabbed them up.
Mason and Max screamed and went into the circle of friends as they started jumping and dancing. Lando stayed behind, watching with a smile.
"You look happy." Charles said.
Lando turned to him and nodded, "I'm fucking happy, mate." He stated.
"Aurora helped with this." He confessed.
He snorted, "trust me, I know."
"Hey! I'm good at planning stuff!" He scoffed, making Lando chuckle. "Sure mate, sure."
"Is that your way of saying thank you?" He asked, rolling his eyes.
Lando placed a hand on the guy's shoulder. "I love you."
"I know."
After the bachelorettes parties, both Lando and Isabella arrived to their home at the same time, both very tired.
They smiled at each other before Lando opened the door, they took their shoes off and threw them on the floor, they kept their quiet and walked upstairs to their room. Both of them threw themselves on the bed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Lando asked, his face on the bed.
Both of them turned to each other, starting at each other's eyes.
"I'll turn off the lights."
"I'll make the bed."
The both fell asleep as soon as the lights were turned off, his arms around her waist.
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Liked by shawnmendes and others
aurora_greene my best friend always
authors note
This is more of a filler because I am writing the wedding episode and the future family episode😁🫣 I hope you enjoyed this little chapter!!! Were two chapters away😭