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Type: Angst
Pairings: Five Hargreeves x Male!Reader
Prompt: Song Fic, letter prompt H
Warnings: Metions of death, guns, depression, homophobia, murder, and sewer slide. PLEASE SKIP IF TRIGGERED BY ANY OF THESE!!
Also, this is my first song fic so hopefully it isn't too bad.
Additional: The timeline is a little odd with this one. Bolded lines are song lyrics, italics are flashbacks, and regular is present day. Set in season 1(we're also gonna pretend that it ended with then saving the world and not going back in time).
Sorry this ones pretty long 😅

Five's POV:
Five paced in his room. They won, but his chest still felt empty. The world was safe, the moon didn't explode, he did it. He saved his family, and the rest of the world. Though he couldn't help but remember the one person he couldn't save.

Five decided to look into the box underneath his old bed. Whilst looking through it, he found the photo strip he was looking for. The pictures contained the boy he had jumped for in the first place. M/n. He was always curious as to what the future would look like. Unfortunately, he never found out...

M/n's family were very old school. A man married a woman, the men went out and worked, and the women stayed home to take care of the house and children. Growing up on a farm, that was really the only life he knew. Until he met one particular boy at the park. Five was the only kid who understood M/n's frustration, and his want and need to get out. Eventually, the two boys bond grew stronger...

It started with the hayloft a-creakin'
Well it just started in the hay - LOFT

M/n's parents never questioned why he decided to stay after school so often, as long as he got his morning chores done, it didn't matter. Five sat with his back against a hay bale, M/n's head in his lap.

"Haven't you ever been curious?" He asked softly. Five looked down at him. "What do you mean?" M/n sat up, "About the future. Haven't you ever wanted to go? I mean, with your power it wouldn't be hard." Five nodded, "I am curious, but I wouldn't want to go." M/n looked at the boy he loved quizzically. "What do you mean?" Five smiled gently into the e/c eyes of his lover, "I couldn't leave you."

With his long johns on, Pop went a-creeping
Out to the barn, up to the hay

M/n's father walked through the hallways of the house, confused to where his eldest son was. He decided to check outside, in the different barns where they held their animals.

M/n and Five we attached by the lips, touching every part of the other that they could reach. They both broke apart as they heard a creak on the wooden floor beneath them. M/n looked around slightly panicked. "What was that?" Five shook his head, looking in the same direction. "I don't know." Both whispering now, Five slowly stood up, trying to see what was going on.

Young lovers and they are not sleeping
Young lovers in the hay - LOFT
With his gun turned on, Pop went a-creeping
Out to the barn, up to the hay - LOFT

M/n's father grabbed his hunting rifle from the case in his home before leaving to look for his son. He heard creaking and shuffling coming from the hayloft of their storage barn. He cocked his gun, holding it up with his hand as he made his way up the ladder with the other. M/n and Five froze.

"There is definitely someone coming, right?" The teleporting teenager whispered. M/n frantically nodded his head, now scared. "C'mon." He took his boyfriend's hand, running to another part to hide. M/n looked over and saw his father crawling up the ladder. He unfortunately didn't see the gun his father possessed, so he couldn't warn his lover to leave.

My daddy's got a gun
My daddy's got a gun
My daddy's got a gun
You better run
My daddy's got a gun
My daddy's got a gun
My daddy's got a gun
Ga - ga - ga - ga - ga

Five watched who he assumed was his lovers father walk around the hayloft for a little while, until seeming to leave down the second ladder.

It started with the hayloft a-creakin'
Well it just started in the hay
With his long johns on, Pop went a-creeping
Out to the barn, up to the hay - LOFT

M/n and Five came out of their hiding spot, doing a quick sweep of the hayloft. After they had decided they were clear, they both sat on a hay bale and sighed in relief. M/n rested his head on Five's shoulder, resting his eyes for a second, imagining how much easier the future would be once he was out of this house.

Young lovers with their legs tied up in knots
Young lovers with their legs tied up in knots

His fathers eyes widened as he saw his son kiss another boy. He was disgusted. He quickly made his way to the pair of teenagers. "What the hell is this!?" They both stood abruptly, seeing the gun in his hand. "Dad, how about we calm down and put the gun away?" His father shook his head.

He glared daggers into Five's head. How could this boy brainwash his son? "M/n, you back the hell up right now." In his state of panicking it seemed that Five had completely forgotten of the inhuman powers he possessed.

He froze, staring as the gun barrel rose slowly. Time seemed to stop as the gun fired off, the sound being deafening. Five wasn't in pain though, he didn't feel anything. He opened the eyes he wasn't aware he had closed to see his lover standing in front of him.

Five rushed forward as M/n started to fall. He caught the boy he had fallen in love with, seeing the giant red stain slowly growing larger on his shirt. M/n clutched his stomach in pain. He coughed, blood starting to fill his mouth. M/n was held by his love whilst he died, realizing that he would never get to see the future with Five that he had dreamt of.

With his long, tall gun, Pop went a-creeping
To blow their hay-loft dead heads straight off

Five remembered going home that night, feeling empty. The boy he loved, the only one he would ever love, just died in his arms. Five remember the way Ben and Vanya held him as he cried, the way Luthor stared at his brother in disbelief. He remembered Allison and Diego trying to console him, but not knowing how. Klaus just sat there, not knowing what to do. But Five didn't care. He was gone. His boy was gone.

Five stared at the photos, crying for the first time in a ling time.

If he wouldn't have frozen that night, if he would have done his fucking job, his M/n would still be alive.

Maybe they could've moved into a small house, adopted a dog. Lived blissfully unaware of the impending doom the world would be in in the next 27 years. Five might have saved his family, but he couldn't save him. He had to sit through seeing all of his siblings get their happy endings, while he suffered with the loss he's held onto for years. It's been nearly 30 something years since M/n died, but the pain didn't go away. He was still just as in love with M/n as the first day he saw his beautiful e/c eyes. It hurt, so much. Five couldn't do it anymore, he just wanted to be with the man he loved again. That's all he wanted.

Third Person's POV:
The umbrella academy were all doing their own thing, until a sound rung out that shocked them all. They ran up the stairs, Diego leading the group. The group of the siblings broke through Five's door, expecting to see a threat, but all freezing when there wasn't one there.

When they did walk through the door, they saw their brother lying still on the floor, in a pool of his own blood, a bullet in his forehead, and a gun in his hand.

AN: ... soooooooo, that was depressing 😀. I apologise for how long and sad this is, I'm going through some shit... anywho, hope y'all liked it...

Multifandom Alphabet Letter Prompts X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now