chapter one

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I opened my eyes, waking up from a deep sleep- or a coma, who knows. I blacked out last night, not remembering how I got here. I scanned the room with my eyes, it was my room. I was home, I sat up in bed with a smile, stretching my arms and letting out a yawn. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I slipped on my Louis Vitton house shoes. I padded happily over to the large widow, humming to myself, flinging open my white lace curtains as I do each morning. Suddenly, my face grew pale, my bright smile fading to a dark frown.

I let out a blood curdling scream, instead of a beautiful sunrise, I see a dark stone grey wall. I rush to my bedroom door, using all my strength to open it. But it wouldn't budge, "Hello?!?!" I cry out in horror, "What is going on?!" I yell as I pound on the door with my fists, calling out to anyone who could possibly be listening.

Suddenly the crackling of a loudspeaker comes on, "Welcome to the dollhouse, Katherine", says a technologically masked voice. I turn around, trying to find where this voice was coming from. I gasp in horror and see a camera- watching me. I start to pace the large room, what is happening to me, I wonder. This is what going insane feels like. I sit back on my queen size, memory foam bed, staring at the door and waiting for it to open. Who did this, I think.

I sit in my room for hours, nowhere else to go. I was confined to this one room, and the small bathroom attached to it. For some odd reason, this room is an exact replica of my bedroom. But this room isn't my bedroom- and this house isn't my home in Mystic Falls. Is anyone else here, I ask myself, standing up again. My mind floods with questions as I start to pace the floor once more. Why would someone lock me here? What are their intentions? Are they going to- my thoughts are interrupted as the speaker cracks on again, "It is time for brunch, follow the arrows." Next my steel door opens, followed by two chimes, that means leave, I think.

I come to a modernly decorated kitchen, inside of it sits a glass circular dining table. This table had two chairs and there are plates of food in front of each. One plate is missing a few items, as if someone had ate something. "Is anyone in here?" My words echoed back to me, and no noise followed. I stepped further into the kitchen area and sat down in front of my plate. The door slammed shut, "Enjoy" the loudspeaker cracked.

I quivered, scared, how will I get out of here? I ate the breakfast, all of it- even though I was too nervous to eat and it made me feel sick. I knew that there could be a time where I might go days without food or water.

I trudged back to my room, waiting hesitantly before walking in. Eventually, it became inevitable, I walked in sitting down on the bed. My stomach churned as the door slammed shut and everything went silent. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to figure everything out. There was another plate at brunch today, full of food, there used to be only one plate with food. There were always two plates- but only one had food on it- the other was always left clean and empty. Who is keeping me- or us- here? I looked up into a corner, a video camera watching me 24/7. "Who are you?!" I shouted, waving my finger at the camera. It's no use, I thought, lying back onto the bed. I did that everyday with no response, why would someone answer me now. The monster keeping me here, was practically merciless, leaving me with nothing to do, but worry. I sat up suddenly, if someone else is here, I have to meet them. Are they a girl, or a guy, I wondered.

Then I came up with a plan: at dinner tonight, I would leave them something- a note. I grabbed a pen and scribbled on a napkin I had kept from previous brunches. "Who are you? Is there someone else here?- Kol", the note read. The rest of my plan involved me replacing their napkin with my note.

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