Chapter 2

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"So, how was the latest attempt at finding Felix a boyfriend?" Seungmin inquired, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. The three friends were seated in one of the university's bustling cafeteria after common class, thanks to the overlap between their courses - Felix and Hyunjin in fashion and Seungmin in photography.

Felix's face broke into a smile as he recalled the weekend. "Oh, it was a blast. We danced, drank, and had an absolute riot."

Seungmin's smile widened, but Hyunjin interjected, "He's asking about the actual result, not the party details." Turning to Seungmin, he added, "Felix didn't like anyone, again. He went off to hang out with that rapper."

"You're still spending time with Changbin?" Seungmin's eyebrows shot up, suspicion evident in his voice. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"Oh shut up" Felix's playful demeanor shifted to a fierce glare. He leaned in, his voice dropping to a more serious tone. "Listen, I'm telling you this so you both will let it go. I have the best sex with him. Plus he's kind, attentive, and full of compliments. He's there for me, without any strings attached. He never pressures me, and I know he won't cling to me if I decide to move on. It's perfect."

Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak, but Seungmin nudged him and intervened. "We trust you, Felix. If you're happy, we're happy." Turning to Hyunjin, he added sternly, "Stop teasing him. We don't want him to feel like he can't share with us. He always looks so content after spending time with Changbin. Good sex with a comfortable person is never a bad thing."

Hyunjin's face softened, shame in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Felix." Reaching over, he gently covered Felix's hand with his own, offering a sincere look of apology.

Felix took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his family's expectations. His family had always been explicit about what they envisioned for his life: a boyfriend from an affluent background, someone from the 'right' family, preferably someone whose lineage was intertwined with business or politics. And Felix being gay was already a twist in their perfectly plotted narrative. To them, he was already the black sheep, the topic of whispered conversations at family gatherings, and the cause of many a furrowed brow.

His father, in particular, had been particularly stringent. The mere thought of introducing someone like Changbin, with his rapper lifestyle and lack of 'pedigree,' to his father was daunting. He could almost hear his father's cold, disapproving voice, "Someone like him, Felix? Really?" He could picture the disappointment in those stern eyes, the tightening of his jaw.

Dragging himself from the gloom of these thoughts, he looked up, a resilience in his eyes mingled with sadness. "It's alright," he said, meeting Hyunjin's gaze. "I imagine you're just worried that if I truly fall for Changbin, the rift with my family would only widen. Especially with my father."

Hyunjin nodded, his expression a mix of relief and understanding.

Seeing the conversation leaning a bit intense, Seungmin decided to steer it in another direction. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask... how did you guys meet Changbin? I know he studies here too, but you guys aren't in the same classes, are you?"

Felix smirked, recalling the memory. "Nope, not in class. Hyunjin and I ended up at this club one night by mistake, and there they were – performing. You've heard of 3RACHA, right?"

Seungmin raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Of course I've heard about them, I am studying here. They've got a good rep on campus. I mean, they're not mega stars or anything, but they're definitely known. They've got some solid tunes. I've even caught them performing once, and I rarely hang out at clubs."

Felix and Hyunjin exchanged a surprised look. "Really?" Hyunjin inquired.

"Yeah, they've got a bit of a following," Seungmin shrugged, "You know, talented guys doing their thing."

Both friends shared a glance, realizing they might have been a tad out of the loop. "Guess we've been under a rock or something," Felix joked, and they all chuckled.

After a brief pause, Felix picked up the story. "Alright, long story short. I spotted him on stage, and I mean, the guy was hot as fuck. Later on, I saw him on the dance floor, so I just went over and laid on the charm. You know me," he said, playfully raising an eyebrow.

"We ended up at his place, and let's just say... he didn't disappoint," Felix added with a hint of mischief. "The next morning, he handed over his number, told me to shoot him a text sometime and maybe... swing by again."

Seungmin, piecing the timeline together, asked, "How long ago did this all start?"

Both Felix and Hyunjin seemed to ponder for a moment before Felix responded, "About two months ago, I guess?"

Raising an eyebrow, Seungmin asked, "So, you've been seeing each other almost every weekend then?"

Felix simply nodded in agreement, a subtle grin on his face.

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