Chapter 8

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"Are you and Changbin dating?" Seungmin suddenly asked Felix with a quizzical expression.

They were seated at one of the university cafeteria's round tables. The room was bustling with students, all immersed in their respective conversations, the clatter of trays, and the distant hum of cafeteria machinery. Between bites of food and sips of beverages, their talk took an intriguing turn.

Felix nearly choked on his drink, managing to sputter, "No! He's not my type, you know that."

Seungmin shrugged, trying to hide his mischievous smile. "That's good then," he replied, pointing discreetly to a distant table. "Because there's a girl who's been making moves on him lately, and he doesn't seem to mind."

Following Seungmin's gesture, Felix's gaze landed on Changbin. As always, he looked undeniably good. Casual, yet effortlessly stylish. It wasn't a surprise that he would catch someone's attention. Felix had to admit, even if Changbin wasn't "his type," the man had a certain allure that was difficult to ignore.

His eyes then settled on the girl seated beside Changbin. She was pretty, with an animated face that lit up as she spoke. But what really caught Felix's attention was the way she casually placed her hand on Changbin's arm, feeling the contours of his muscles as they both erupted into laughter. Changbin didn't pull away; in fact, he seemed to be in the throes of the conversation, his demeanor relaxed and even... welcoming.

A twist of discomfort gnawed at Felix. While he had firmly placed Changbin in the 'just for fun' category, seeing him in such a close interaction with someone else elicited an unexpected pang of jealousy. They weren't dating, but that didn't make the scene any easier to digest.

Felix took a deep breath, trying to maintain a steady facade. "It's okay," he began, forcing a casual shrug. "I mean, I did tell Changbin I was on the lookout for a boyfriend, right? So it's only fair he's out there, exploring his options. Absolutely fine."

His words came out in a rush, a bit too quickly and a tad too loudly. The insistence in his voice gave away the turmoil he was trying not to feel. He continued, "I mean, he and I, we never promised anything to each other. So, if he's flirting with someone else, it's his right. We're both free agents, and I'm completely fine. Seriously, I'm fine." The repetition of the word 'fine' was a telltale sign, even if Felix himself didn't recognize it.

Seungmin and Hyunjin exchanged a glance. It was one of those silent conversations close friends often have, where a simple look can convey paragraphs. They both knew Felix better than he gave them credit for.

Seungmin's eyebrows shot up, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, you look totally fine. I can see the tranquility in your eyes from here." He leaned back, taking a slow sip of his drink, eyes still fixed on Felix.

Hyunjin's eyes narrowed, studying Felix's face. "Seriously, Felix, you seem off. Are you really okay with this?"

Felix shrugged, his voice betraying a hint of defensiveness, "Why wouldn't I be? Changbin and I, we're just having fun. I'm not his keeper. He can flirt with whoever he wants."

Seungmin interjected, the teasing tone still in his voice, "You're repeating yourself, mate. Something's clearly bothering you."

Hyunjin nodded in agreement, his tone more gentle, "Yeah, Felix, if something's wrong, just tell us. Maybe we can help."

Felix's throat tightened, and he took a gulp of his drink, his mind racing. He tried to find the right words, feeling trapped between what he had agreed to with Changbin and what he was feeling now. "I... I don't know, guys. I mean, I should be fine with it. We're not exclusive or anything. It's just... seeing him with someone else... I don't know why, but it doesn't sit well with me."

Hyunjin's eyes softened, and he reached over to pat Felix's hand. "It's natural to feel that way, especially when you spend so much time with someone. Even if it's casual, feelings can change."

"Yeah," Seungmin added, "Maybe your 'having fun' has started to feel like something more. And there's nothing wrong with that."

Felix's eyes widened, the realization hitting him. Was that it? Was he starting to feel more for Changbin than he had initially planned? The thought sent a mixture of excitement and terror through him.

Hyunjin, ever the problem solver, leaned forward, offering a suggestion in a soft tone. "Why not just talk to him? Ask if he's okay with being exclusive? It doesn't mean you're dating or anything. It's just about knowing where you both stand. If it's something that would make you feel better, why not?"

Felix chewed on his bottom lip, considering Hyunjin's words. "I don't know. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if asking for exclusivity pushes him away?"

Seungmin shrugged, "Well, isn't it better to know now rather than later? At least you won't be left wondering."

They continued to discuss the situation, picking it apart from every angle. Felix's friends were supportive, but he knew the decision was his to make. The internal turmoil swirled, and Felix felt caught between wanting to clarify things with Changbin and the fear of making things more complicated than they were.

After what felt like hours of conversation, Felix finally sighed, his shoulders slumping, "Okay, I'll talk to him. I'll ask him about being exclusive. I just hope it doesn't ruin what we have."

His friends offered reassuring smiles, promising to be there for him no matter what happened. But as Felix glanced once more at Changbin, laughing and relaxed with the girl, he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that he might be risking something wonderful for the sake of a feeling he couldn't even define.

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