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~ The Next Day ~

Author POV

Mikasa walked up to Eren. They were both alone as it was very early.

Mikasa POV

I think i should tell my feelings to Eren.

Mikasa: "I....Ive...."

Eren: "Ive.. always liked you Mikasa."

( Long pause. They stare into each others eyes. )

Mikasa: Leans in ( kisses. Eren gives in and they start kissing, feeling thoroughly happy )

~ At Breakfast ~

Jean: "We did too much work these past two days I need a break."

Marcel: "Yup, I heard Commander Hange say that we will have a break today."

Sasha: "Where is Eren and Mikasa? Its been a while now."

Eren: "Hey,( He looked confused ) what are you guys talking about?"

Connie: " Hange gave us a break."

Eren: "Finally."

Hitch POV

I saw Annie and approached her. I wanted to confront her.

Hitch: "You have a crush on someone, I can tell."

Annie: "No!" ( she said too quickly )

Hitch: "Who is it? Is it..... Armin?"

Annie: "No. Well.. Yes. Dont tell anyone. Please."

Hitch: "I wont."

~ At breakfast ~

Levi: "You brats will have a break today since you cleaned the HQ yesterday."

Hange: "But we are going on a mission tommorrow!"

Reiner: "Thank goodness."

Mikasa: "Where is Annie and Armin. Its getting late now"

Connie: "Lets go find them."

Hitch: "Ok."


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